Frank, Stanley
Nation's Business 40(3): 41-42, 80-81. March 1, 1952.
Gunther, John
McCalls 78(1):40,157-160. October 1950.
Spinrad, Norman
Los Angeles Free Press p. 9. July 30, 1971.
Gomel, Elana
Science Fiction Studies 39(2): 177-194. July 2012.
Campbell, Mrs. J. W.
in: Campbell, John W. The Best of John W. Campbell. New York: Ballantine, 1976. pp. 360-364.
Evans, Taylor Scott
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2018. 349 p. (DAI-A 77(9)(E).)
Silverberg, Robert
Asimov's Science Fiction 20(9): 4-8. September 1996.
Asimov's Science Fiction 26(12): 4-7. December 2002. Reprinted in: Silverberg, Robert. Living in the Future: Robert Silverberg on Science Fiction. Framingham MA: NESFA Press, 2023. p. 523-527.
Asimov's Science Fiction 25(6): 4-7. June 2001. (Reprinted in: Silverberg, Robert. Musings and Meditations: Reflection on Science Fiction and Other Matters. New York: Nonstop, 2011. )
Asimov's Science Fiction 27(9): 4-8. September 2003. Reprinted in: Silverberg, Robert. Living in the Future: Robert Silverberg on Science Fiction. Framingham MA: NESFA Press, 2023. p. 319-323.
Asimov's Science Fiction 27(10/11): 4-9. October/November 2003. Reprinted in: Silverberg, Robert. Living in the Future: Robert Silverberg on Science Fiction. Framingham MA: NESFA Press, 2023. p. 324-328.
Asimov’s Science Fiction 27(9): 4-8. September 2003.
Asimov, Isaac
in: Asimov, Isaac. Asimov on Science Fiction. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1981. pp. 208-211.
Beamer, Amelia; Sutherland, Aimee
Foundation No. 95: 104-119. Autumn 2005.
No authors listed.
Locus 73(3): 5. September 2014.
Gotthard, Günther
Lüneburg: Dieter von Reeken, 2015. 137 p.
Locus 37(1): 8, 72. July 1996.
Otto, Eric
in: Berman, Michael, ed. The Everyday Fantastic: Essays on Science Fiction and Human Being. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. p. 31-48.
Stover, Leon E.
Extrapolation 14(2):129-148. May 1973. Also in: In: Asselineau, Roger, ed. Du fantastique à la science-fiction américaine. Paris: Didier Erudition, 1973. p. 115-126.
Leiber, Leslie
New York Herald Tribune. This Week Magazine Sec. 8, pp.8-9. April 27, 1947.
Sloan, De Villo
Extrapolation 29(2): 179-188. Summer 1988.
Latham, Robert A.
Science Fiction Studies 28(3): 468-470. November 2001
Fantasy Times No. 220:1,4. April (1) 1955.
Knighten, M. A.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 2003-2007.
Flynn, Michael F.
Analog 110(1/2):58-81. January 1990.
Leslie, Christopher S.
Ph. D. Dissertation, City University of New York, 2007. (DAI-A 68(9), p. 3854, March 2008.)
Brooks, Rick
Double:Bill No. 21: 53-58. Fall 1969.
Budrys, Algis
Analog 100(10): 107-114. October 1980.
Fantasy Times No. 93:3-4. November (1) 1949.
Attebery, Brian
Science Fiction Studies. 25(1): 61-76. March 1998.
Nevala-Lee, Alec
Analog 140(3/4): 4-6. March/April 2020.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 35.3 (2024): 66-81.
Chapdelaine, Perry A.
SFWA Bulletin 14(2): 28-29, 19. Summer 1979. (No. 70)
Ellis, Doug
Black Gate February 11, 2016. ( Accessed 15.February.2016.
Heinlein, Robert A.
Houston, TX: Virginia Edition, 2011. 759 p.
Chapdelaine, Perry E., Sr.
Franklin, TN: AC Projects, 1993. 675pp.
Malzberg, Barry N.
in: Malzberg, Barry N. Breakfast in the Ruins: Science Fiction in the Last Millennium. New York: Baen, 2007. p. 363-373.
Westfahl, Gary
Liverpool, U. K.: Liverpool University Press, 1998. 344pp.
Searles, A. Langley
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 3. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1396-1400.
Hardesty, Willliam H., III
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 3. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1444-1448.
Levinson, Paul
Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems. 19(3): 207-215. 1996.
Elms, Alan C.
in: Elms, Alan C. Uncovering Lives: The Uneasy Alliance of Biography and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. pp.103-116.
Trushell, John
Foundation No. 87: 49-58. Spring 2003.
Foundation No. 76: 76-89. Summer 1999.
Fantasy Times No. 49:49,51. May 4, 1947.
Del Rey, Lester
in: Campbell, John W. The Best of John W. Campbell. New York: Ballantine, 1976. pp. ix-xv.
Sargeant, Winthrop
Life 30(21):127-140. May 21, 1951. Comment, 30(24):10-11. June 11, 1951.
Bova, Ben
Fantasy Review 9(7):13-14, 50. July/August 1986.
Tunley, R.
Saturday Evening Post 233(15):30,90-92. October 8, 1960.
Panshin, Alexei; Panshin, Cory
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 11:1, 8-10. July 1989.
Found 210 items on 5 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.