Heinze, Rudiger
Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies 7(2): 76-91. Winter 2015.
Hermann, Chad
Post Script 16(3): 36-50. Summer 1997.
McRoy, Jimmy Douglas, Jr.
Ph. D. Dissertation, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 2000. 195 p. (DAI-A 61(5): 1842. November 2000.)
Fitzgerald, Lauren
Erudit Numero 21, fevrier 2001. (https://www.erudit.org/revue/ron/2001/v/n21/005961ar.html) Accessed 8.February.2016) Also in: Romanticism on the Net, No. 21, February 2001, DOI:10.7202/005970ar. (Romanticism and Science Fictions - A Special Issue of Romanticism On the Net)
Viramontes, David
Los Angeles Times, August 20, 2024: E3.
Moore, George
in: Graham, Elizabeth, ed. Meanings of Ripley: the Alien Quadrilogy and Gender. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. p. 12-31.
Fordham, Joe
London: Titan Books, April 2025. 304 p.
Morris, Sandy
Master's Thesis, Wake Forest University, 2000. v, 76 p.
Flanagan, Martin
in: Cartmell, Deborah et. al., eds. Alien Identities: Exploring Differences in Film and Fiction. London: Pluto Press, 1999. p. 156-171.
Rizzo, Teresa
Women 15(3): 330-345. Winter 2004.
Taubin, Amy
in: Cook, Pam and Dodd, Philip, eds. Women and Film: A Sight and Sound Reader. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1993. p. 93-100.
Gallardo C., Ximena; Smith, C. Jason
New York: Continuum, 2004. 241 p.
No authors listed.
London: Titan, 2014. 316 p.
Paris: Huginn & Muninn, 2015. 316 p.
Sciallis, Elvizio
Future Shock No. 33 (nuova serie): 28-34. febbraio 2001.
Graham, Elizabeth
in: Graham, Elizabeth, ed. Meanings of Ripley: the Alien Quadrilogy and Gender. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. p. 99-122.
Glick, Martin
In: Decker, Kevin S. and Ewing, Jeffrey, eds. Alien and Philosophy: I Infest, Therefore I Am. Hoboken NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. p. 132-139.
Okapal, James M.
In: Decker, Kevin S. and Ewing, Jeffrey, eds. Alien and Philosophy: I Infest, Therefore I Am. Hoboken NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. p. 25-36.
Constable, Catherine
in: Kuhn, Annette, ed. Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science Fiction Cinema. London: Verso, 1999. pp. 173- 202.
Jowett, Lorna
Phoebe: Gender and Cultural Critiques 17(2): 19-34. Fall 2005.
Turner, Stephanie S.
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 101-114.
Meininger, Sylvestre
Cinemas: Revue d'etudes cinematographiques/Journal of Film Studies 7(1/2): 121-150. Fall 1996. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/cine/1996-v7-n1-2-cine1498743/1000936ar.pdf
Cinemas: Revue d'Etudes Cinematographiques 7: 121-150. 1996.
Thomson, David
New York: Bloomsbury, 1998. 194 p.
Greven, David
Jump Cut No. 52. Summer 2010. (http://www.ejumpcut.org.lib-ezproxy.tamu.edu:2048/currentissue/GrevenAliens/index.html) Accessed 23.May.2011.
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