Taubin, Amy
in: Cook, Pam and Dodd, Philip, eds. Women and Film: A Sight and Sound Reader. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1993. p. 93-100.
Gallardo C., Ximena; Smith, C. Jason
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No authors listed.
London: Titan, 2014. 316 p.
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Briggs, Bill
Denver (CO) Post. May 22, 1992. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 49:B13. 1992.
Rennie, Stephen
Futures. 31(3/4): 392-396. April/May 1999.
in: Graham, Elizabeth, ed. Meanings of Ripley: the Alien Quadrilogy and Gender. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. p. 161-177.
Ferreira, Aline
Femspec 4(1): 90-107. 2002.
Dalkin, Gary
Vector No. 198: 13-16. March/April 1998.
McIntee, David
Tolworth: Telos Publishing, Ltd, 2005. 266 p.
Constable, Catherine
in: Kuhn, Annette, ed. Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science Fiction Cinema. London: Verso, 1999. pp. 173- 202.
Jowett, Lorna
Phoebe: Gender and Cultural Critiques 17(2): 19-34. Fall 2005.
Turner, Stephanie S.
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 101-114.
Decker, Kevin S.
In: Decker, Kevin S. and Ewing, Jeffrey, eds. Alien and Philosophy: I Infest, Therefore I Am. Hoboken NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. p. 140-152.
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Thomson, David
New York: Bloomsbury, 1998. 194 p.
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Sachs, Lloyd
Chicago (IL) Sun Times. May 22, 1992. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 49:C1-C2. 1992.
Lambert, Helene
Master's Thesis, Concordia University (Canada), 2009. 111 p. (MAI 49(2), April 2011.)
Flynn, John F.
London: Boxtree, 1995. 141 p.
Williams, Tess
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 115-136.
Doring, Lutz
Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen & Neumann, 2006. 423 p. (Based on the author's dissretaion, Universitat Dusseldorf,2005.)
Miles, Geoff; Moore, Carol
Cineaction 30: 54-62. 1992.
Verniere, James
Boston (MA) Herald. May 22, 1992. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 49:C5-C6. 1992.
Found 91 items on 4 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.