Warlow, Aidan J.
Master's Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 2022. 169 p. (MAI 84(2)(E).)
Thomas, Riley
Master's Thesis, California State University, Fresno, 2020. 80 p. (MAI 81(12)(E).)
Horcasitas, Jeanelle Domenique
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, San Diego, 2020. 248 p. (DAI-A 81(9)(E).)
Leggatt, Judith
In: Ransom, Amy J. and Grace, Dominick M., eds. Canadian Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Bridging the Solitudes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. p. 135-149.
Grant, Judith; Parson, Sean
Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2021. 261 P.
Lundskow, George
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 103(2): 184-215. Spirng 2020.
Black, Audrey J.
In: Frankel, Valerie E., ed. Fourth Wave Feminism in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Volume 2: Essays on Television Representations, 2013-2019. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 30-48.
Lewis, Christopher
Ph. D. Dissertation, Chapman University, 2016. xii, 436 p.
Barnhill, David L.
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture 4(4): 478-498. December 2010. Reprinted in: In: Taylor, Bron, ed. Avatar and Nature Spirituality. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013. p. 221-240.
Chan, Suzette
Transformative Works and Cultures 4: [13 p]. 2010. (http://journal.transformativeworks.org/)
Hodges, Amanda; Richmond, Laurel P.
Transformative Works and Cultures 7: . 2011. (http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/index)
Cruz, Juan D.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of South Carolina, 2018. 366 p. (DAI-A 79(11)(E).)
Mintz, Steven
Insdie Higner Education, June 5, 2024. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/higher-ed-gamma/2024/06/05/science-fiction-crafts-fantasies-and-confronts-current
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