Rangarajan, Swarnalatha; Sarkar, Sanchar
Interlitteraria 27(1): 69-83. 2022. DOI: 10.12697/IL.2022.27.1.7.
Selisker, Scott
Science Fiction Studies 42(3): 500-518. November 2015.
Wall, Clare
In: Stephan, Matthias and Borkfelt, Sune, eds. Interrogating Boundries of the Nonhuman: Literature, Climate Change, and Environmental Crises. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. p. 221-238.
Oramus, Dominika
In: Oramus, Dominika. (Eco)Anxiety in Nuclear Holocaust Fiction and Climate Fiction: Doomsday Clock Narratives. New York, NY: Routledge; 2023. p. 116-141.
Evans, Benjamin Shane
Master's Thesis, Iowa State University, 2017. 77 p. (MAI 56(5)(E).)
Surrett, Valerie A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, West Virginia University, 2017. 240 p. (DAI-A 78(10)(E).)
Hageman, Andrew
Science Fiction Studies 39(2): 283-303. July 2012.
Sullivan, Heather I.
Science Fiction Studies 49(2; [#147]): 342-358. July 2022.
Krishna, Mahesh; Kumar, Nagendra
Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 21(1): 117-124. 2023.
Bedggood, Daniel
In: Borkfelt, Sune and Stephan, Matthias, eds. Literary animal studies and the climate crisis, ed. by Sune Borkfelt and Matthias Stephan. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 267-289.
Bender, Stephanie
Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript: Verlag, 2023. 295 p.
Jiang, Yuqin
Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 51(1): 371-381. June 2024.
Lee, Young-hyun
Kritika Kultura No. 33/34: 584-599. 2020.
Dharsini, S. Priya; Sangeetha, C.G.
Insight: International Multilingual Journal for Arts and Humanities 1(6): 158-162. August, 2021.
Sun, Mengtian
Science Fiction Studies 46(2): 289-306. July 2019.
Patchainayagi, S.; Priyadharshini, Sarayu
Theory & Practice in Language Studies 12(10): 2048-2053. October 2022. DOI: 10.17507/tpls.1210.11
Murphy, Patrick D.
In: Ashman, Nathan, erd. The Routledge Handbook of Crime Fiction and Ecology. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 228-238.
Booker, M. Keith
Utopian Studies 34(2): 273-287. 2023.
Hay, Jonathan
MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 4(1): 3-46. 2020.
Kabak, Murat
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences 18(Special Issue) 81-91. 2019.
Perez-Ramos, Isabel
In: Goodbody, Axel and Johns-Putra, Adeline, eds. Cli-Fi: A Companion. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. p. 55-60.
Donnelly, Sean
English Acadamy Review 31(2): 156-169. 2014.
Stein, Karen F.
in: Dimerjian, Louisa M., ed. The Age of Dystopia: One Genre, Our Fears and Our Future. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. p. 47-58.
Christiansen, Steen Ledet
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2019. 106 p.
Schaller, Eric
New York Review of Science Fiction 27(10): 1, 4-9. June 2015. (No. 322)
Estok, Simon C.
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment; 30(3): 616-636. Fall 2023.
Kortekallio, Kaisa
In: Caracciolo, Marco, Marcussen, Marlene K., and Rodriguez, David, eds. Narrating Nonhuman Spaces: Form, Story, and Experience beyond Anthropocentrism. New York,: Routledge; 2021. p. 89-103.
Wegner, Phillip E.
New York: Peter Lang, 2014. 308 p.
Strother, Amber Lea
Ph. D. Dissertation, Washington State University, 2017. 199 p. (DAI-A 78(12)(E).)
Straetz, Juliane
Current Objectives of American Postgraduate Studies 18(1): [21 p.]. 2017.
Heise, Ursula K.
Novel: A Forum on Fiction 49(1): 10-25. May 2016.
Kim, Jungyoun
Kritika Kultura No. 33/34: 565-583. 2020.
Idema, Tom
Green Letters 24(1): 51-63. March 2020.
Jensen, Casper B.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society 1(1): 186- 200. 2018.
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