Wong, Joansandy M.
Master's Thesis, Baylor University, 2004. 77 p. (Master's Abstracts, 43(1): 46. February 2005.)
Thrasher, Andrew D.
In: Thrasher, Andrew D. and Freeman, Austin M., eds. Theology, Fantasy, and the Imagination. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 133-154.
Crosignani, Chiara
In: Baglioni, Igor, Biano, Ilaria, and Crosignani, Chiara, eds. Religioni fantastiche e dove trovarle Divinità, miti e riti nella fantascienza e nel fantasy. Rome: Quasar, 2023. Vol. 2, p. 36-48.
Livingston, Michael
New York: Tor, 2022. 235 p.
Wickham, Kimberly
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Rhode Island, 2018. 271 p. (DAI-A 79(9)(E).)
Goldsmith, Abby
Online resource: https://www.sffworld.com/2002/02/sexism-robert-jordans-wheel-time-series-abby-goldsmith/ ; 
Revised, as: Sexism in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, att: Abby Goldsmith. http://www.abbygoldsmith.com.articles/wot-Sexism.shtml 2003.
Mateus, Rui Miguel Martins
Master's Thesis, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2017. [7], 97 p. https://run.unl.pt/bitstream/10362/31475/1/Rui_Mateus_Dissertacao.pdf
Jordan, Robert; McDougal, Harriet; Romanczuk, Alan; Simons, Maria
New York: Tor, 2015. 815 p.
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