DiPaolo, Marc E.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. 330 p.
Agnew, Lisa
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Blackmore, Tim
Ph. D. Dissertation, York University (Canada), 1994. 524 p. (DAI-A 56(10): 3954. April 1996.)
Harrison, Harry
in: Ash, Brian, ed. Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: Harmony, 1977. pp. 100-109.
Ash, Brian
in: Ash, Brian, ed. Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: Harmony, 1977. pp.100-109.
Pedrotti, Louis
in: Slusser, George and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Fights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1993. pp.49-58.
Martin Rodriguez, Mariano
Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea, 41(2): 101-131. 2016.
Kean, Vera
Publishers Weekly 271(7): 17-22. February 19, 2024.
Moskowitz, Sam
in: Moskowitz, Sam. Strange Horizons. New York: Scribners, 1976. pp. 182-217.
Rabkin, Eric S.; Slusser, George E.
in: Slusser, George and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Fights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1993. pp.1-11.
Howell, Linda
in: Easton, Lee and Schroeder, Randy The Influence of Imagination: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy as Agents of Social Change. Jefferson, NC: McFarland , 2008. p. 139-159.
Bartter, Martha A.
New York: Greenwood, 1988. 278pp.
Timmons, Daniel
in: Croft, Janet B., ed. Tolkien and Shakespeare: Essays on Shared Themes and Language. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2007. p. 81-90.
Sheehan, Michael
In: Geppert, Alexander C.T., Brandau, Daniel, and Siebeneichner, Tilmann, eds. Militarizing Outer Space: Astroculture, Dystopia and the Cold War, 2021. p. 93-116.
Kerslake, Patricia
in: Seed, David, ed. Future Wars: the Anticipations and the Fears. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2012. p. 201-217.
Sharp, Patrick B.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999. 226 p. (DAI-A 61(8): 3175. Feb. 2001.)
George, Susan A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2002. 251 p. (DAI 63(5): 1881. November 2002.)
Jones, Gwyneth
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Krome, Frederic
Journal of Military History 86(1): 54-76. January 2022,
Ravenwood, Victoria Renée Rhodessa
Master's Thesis, Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), 2018. 99p. (DAI-C 82(2)(E).) https://re pository.canterbury.ac.uk/item/88xy7/william-lane-s-horrid-writers-an-exploration-of-violence-in-the-minerva-press-gothic-1790-1799
Maguire, Lori
in: Darowski, Joseph J., ed. The Ages of Wonder Woman: Essays on the Amazon Princess in Changing Times. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. p. 42-51.
Adams, Val
New York Times Sec. 2, p. 11. September 23, 1951.
Westfahl, Gary
in: Slusser, George and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Fights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1993. pp.35-48.
Smith, Christina M.
in: Bajac-Carter, Maja; Jones, Norma; Batchelor, Bob, eds. Heroines of Comic Books and Literature. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014. p. 65-78.
Stableford, Brian
Interzone No. 83: 52-56. May 1994.
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