Dalrymple, Scott
in: Slusser, George and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Fights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1993. pp.145-154.
Tally, Robert T., Jr.
Humanities 8(1), 54-64. 2019.
Munch, Detlef
Dortmund: Synergen Verlag, 2007. 120 p.
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Eilmann, Julian T. M.
in: Fornet-Ponse, Thomas, ed. Violence, Conflict, and War in Tolkien/Gewalt, Konflikt und Krieg bei Tolkien. Bonn: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2009. p. 58-69. (Hither Shore: Interdisiplinary Journal on Modern Fantasy, Band 6)
Dortmund: Synergen Verlag, 2007. 64 p.
Hantke, Steffen
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 12(3): 268-286. 2001.
Alexander, Bryan
Journal of Dracula Studies No. 2: [9 p.] 2000.
Carpenter, Charles A.
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. 208pp.
Rosen, David; Rosen, Sarah M.
In: Bell, Christopher E., ed. Legilimens!: Perspectives in Harry Potter Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. p. 113-130.
Wells, Elizabeth
Extrapolation 48(3): 472-481. Winter 2007.
No authors listed.
Wall Street Journal p. 5. August 8, 1945.
David, Daniel
In: Vas-Deyres, Natacha, Bergeron, Patrick, and Patrick Guay, eds. C'était demain: anticiper la science-fiction en France et au Québec (1880-1950). Bordeaux: Presses Univeritaires de Bordeaux, 2018. (Eidolon, No. 123.) p. 117-134.
Green, Paul
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017. 231 p.
Blackmore, Tim
Extrapolation 32(2): 124-142. Summer 1991
Cook, James L.
in: Decker, Kevin S., ed. Ender's Game and Philosophy: the Logic Gate is Down. Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2013. p. 151-162.
Kawada, Louise M.
Papers on Language and Literature 26(1):112-133. Winter 1990.
Atasoy, Emrah
In: Magid, Annette M., ed. Speculations of War: Essays on Conflict in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopian Literature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 82-106.
Franklin, H. Bruce
in: Davies, Philip J., ed. Science Fiction, Social Conflict, and War. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. pp.151-168.
Dupeyron-Lafay, Francoise
in: Dupeyron-Lafay, Francoise, ed. Detours et hybridations dans les oeuvres fantastiques et de science-fiction. Paris Universite de Provence/CERLI, 2005. p. 119-124.
Radisich, Paula R.
in: Slusser, George and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Fights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1993. pp.103-113.
Zins, Daniel L.
Papers on Language and Literature 26(1):31-40. Winter 1990.
Cooper, Kenneth D.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Vanderbilt University, 1992. 352pp. (DAI-A 54(1): 176. July 1993.)
Pollack, Andrew
Austin (TX) American Statesman Sec. A, p. 17. March 19, 1995.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 45(9): 18–24. September 1989.
Found 429 items on 18 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.