Asimov, Isaac
Locus 21(7):42-43. July 1988.
Bova, Ben
Locus 21(7):44-45. July 1988.
de Camp, L. Sprague
Locus 21(7):38-40. July 1988.
Gunn, James E.
Locus 21(7):42. July 1988.
Haldeman, Joe
Locus 21(7):43. July 1988.
Pournelle, Jerry
Locus 21(7):1, 38. July 1988.
Yermakov, Nicholas
Locus 21(7):44. July 1988.
de Camp, Catherine Crook
Locus 21(7):41-42. July 1988.
Del Rey, Lester
Locus 21(7):43-44. July 1988.
Truesdale, David A.
Science Fiction Review 9(3):49-51. August 1980.
Sullivan, C. W., III
Extrapolation 47(1): 66-76. Spring 2006.
Slusser, George E.
San Bernardino, California: Borgo Press, 1976. 60 p.
Parkin-Speer, Diane
Extrapolation 20(3):214-222. Fall 1979.
Usher, Robin L.
Foundation No. 54: 70-86. Spring 1992.
Fehlner, Gert
Science Fiction Times (Germany) 32(5): 4-12. May 1990.
Easterbrook, Neil
in: Bould, Mark, et al, eds. Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2010. p. 96-101.
Bester, Alfred
Publishers Weekly 204(1):44-45. July 2, 1973. Also in: Bester, Alfred. Alfred Bester Redemolished. New York: Ibooks, 2001. pp.485-489.
Clarke, Arthur C.
in: Kondo, Yoji, ed. Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master. New York: Tor, 1992. pp.261-264.
Dickson, Gordon R.
in: Kondo, Yoji, ed. Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master. New York: Tor, 1992. pp.265-271.
Mendlesohn, Farah
London: Unbound Press, 2019. 477 p.
Stiffler, Erinlee
Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2001. 103 p.
Doherty, Brian
Reason 39(4): 48-54. August/September 2007.
Schulman, J. Neil
Mill Valley, CA:, 1999. 200pp.
Kooistra, Jeffery D.
Analog 127(6): 89-91. June 2007.
Erisman, Fred
Extrapolation 29(3):216-226. Fall 1988.
Found 820 items on 33 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.