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in: Lotscher, Christine, et al, eds. Ubergange und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik. Wein: Lit, 2014. p. 293-306.
Montanes-Lleras, Andres Alberto
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Fox, Rachel
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Billone, Amy
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Dean, Tyler Michael
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Weber, Ryan Patrick
Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2018. 95 p. (MAI 57(5)(E).)
Burson, Linda
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Georgia, 1983. 203 p. (DAI-A 44(5).)
Geer, Jennifer Lee
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2002. 195 p. (DAI-A 63(8).)
Harris, Jason Marc
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 2001. xii, 625 p. (DAI-A 62(5): 1844. November 2001.)
Maier, Sarah E.
in: Stratyner, Leslie/Keller, James R., eds. Fantasy Fiction into Film: Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007. p. 150-162.
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Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan,2020. 249 p. (DAI-A 81(911).)
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Stableford, Brian M.
in: Bleiler, E. F., ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers. New York: Scribner's, 1985. pp.405-410.
Steglich, Dana
In: Burkhard, Denise, Gymnich, Marion, and Petzold, Dieter, eds. Flora und Fauna in Fantastischen Welten: Symposium 2019 in Bonn = Flora and Fauna in Fantastic Worlds. (Inklings-Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 37.Band) Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020. p. 97-112.
Campbell, Lori M.
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Bader, Simone
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in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George E., eds. Nursery Realms: Children in the Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1999. pp. 171-184.
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