Husmann, Caleb M.; Kusko, Elizabeth
In: Nicholas, Jeffery L., ed. The Expanse and Philosophy: So Far Out Into the Darkness. New York: Wiley, 2021. p. 102-110.
Mehring, Frank
European Journal of American Studies, 5(4): article 3, 2010. Special Issue: Film.
Altmann, John
In: Michaud, Nicholas and Watkins, Jessica, eds. Iron Man vs. Captain America and Philosophy: Give Me Liberty or Keep Me Safe. Chicago: Open Court, 2018. p. 69-80.
Puar, Jasbir K.; Rai, Amit S.
In: Weinstock, Jeffrey A., ed. The Monster Theory Reader. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020. p. 374-402.
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