Lauer, Reinhard
In: Lauer, Reinhard, ed. Utopie in der russischen Literatur. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023. p. 221-228.
Rottensteiner, Franz
Lüneburg: Dieter von Reeken Verlag, 2018. 159 p.
Suchy, Viktor
Wissenschaft und Weltbild 5:18-30, 338-363. 1952.
Schone, Albrecht
in: Villgradter, Rudolf and Krey, Friedrich, eds. Der Utopische Roman. Darnstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgellsellschaft, 1973. p. 355-388.
Richter, Torsten
In: Leser, Irene and Schwarz, Jessica, eds. Utopisch dystopisch: Visionen einer 'idealen' Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018. p. 231-246.
Pleithner, Regina
in: Pleithner, Regina, ed. Reisen des Barock: Selbst- und Fremderfahrung und ihre Darstellung. Bonn: Romanistischer, 1991. pp.75-87.
Esselborn, Hans
Quarber Merkur No. 124: 159-181. 2024.
Draut, David
Marburg: Techtum, 2014. 337 p. (Based on the author's dissertation, Universiteit Letzebuerg/Universitat du Luxemburg/Universite de Luxembourg, 2013.)
Marbur : Tectum Verlag, 2015. 337 p.
Lewandowski, Dennis
Quarber Merkur No. 112: 83-94. 2011.
Schlumbohm, Dietrich
Romanistisches Jahrbach 25:186-195. 1975.
Figatowski, Bartholomaeus
Wetzlar: Foerderkreis Phantastik in Wetzlar, 2004. 125 p.
Hadomi, Leah
Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, 1989. 208pp. (In Hebrew) [Not seen.]
Jonscher, B.
Zeitschrift fur Slawistik 35(3):360-365. 1990. (in Russian)
Bartolommei, Sergio
in: Firpo, Luigi. Studi sull'utopia. Firenze: Olschki, 1977. pp.287-297.
Fink, Howard
Studies in the Literary Imagination 6(2):51-60. Fall 1973.
Dowst, Kenneth
Journal of General Education 33(1): 58-68. Spring 1981.
Remington, T. J.
in: Rabkin, Eric S., et. al., eds. No Place Else. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. pp. 33-55.
Suvin, Darko
Minnesota Review N.S. 6: 59-70. Spring 1976. (Reprinted in his Defined by a Hollow: Essays on Utopia, Science Fiction, and Political Epistemology. New York: Lang, 2010.)
Todd, Richard
New York Times Magazine p. 24. March 15, 1970.
Le Lay, Colette; Tirard, Stephane
in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Rencontres Jules Verne: Sciences, crises et utopies. Nantes: Coiffard Libraire Éditeur, 2013. p. 69-76.
Guillaud, Lauric
in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Rencontres Jules Verne: Sciences, crises et utopies. Nantes: Coiffard Libraire Éditeur, 2013. p. 137-145.
van Bunge, Wiep
In: Shrank, Cathy and Withington, Phil Oxford Handbook of Thomas More's Utopia, The. Oxford: Oxford Academic, 2024. p. 295-306.
No authors listed.
In: Shrank, Cathy and Withington, Phil Oxford Handbook of Thomas More's Utopia, The. Oxford: Oxford Academic, 2024. p. 89-104.
Wind, Jess
In: Walton, Jo Lindsay, ed. Utopia on the Tabletop. Brighton, UK: Ping Press, 2024. p. 210-234.
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