No authors listed.
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Thompson, Kristin
in: Lee, Stuart D., ed. A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. p. 514-529.
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Los Angeles Herald Examiner December 22, 1982. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 69:D8. January 1983.
Collings, Michael R.
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Wilson, Natalie
in: Clayton, Wickham and Harman, Sarah, eds. Screening Twilight: Critical Approaches to a Cinematic Phenomenon. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2014. p. x-xiv.
Borgmeier, Raimund
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Fantasy in Film und Literatur. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter, 1996. p. 33-54. (Anglistik und Englischunterricht, Band 59)
Martinez-Cabeza Lombardo, Miguel Angel
The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies 4: 477-488. 1997.
Elhefnawy, Nader
Strange Horizons [10 p.] August 11, 2008. (
Kaveny, P. E.
in: Hassler, Donald M., ed. Patterns of the Fantastic II. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1985. pp. 77-80.
Constandinides, Costas
in: Constandinides, Costas. From Film Adaptation to Post-Celluloid Adaptation: Rethinking the Transition of Popular Narratives and Characters across Old and New Media. New York: Continuum, 2011. p. 28-56.
Parker, Jo A.
SubStance 44(1; [#136]): 123-135. 2015.
Schlitz, Francoise I.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southampton (UK), 2007. 252 p. (DAI-C 68(3). Fall 2007.)
Joannidis, Melanie; Weppler, Nicole
in: Kurwinkle, Tobias, Schmerheim, Philipp, and Kurwinkel, Annika, eds. Harry Potter Intermedial. Untersuchungen zu den (Film-)Welten von Joanne K. Rowling. Wurzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2014. p. 177-192.
Morey, Anne
Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2012. 236 p.
Biodrowski, Steve
Cinefantastique 16(3/4):85-94. October 1986.
Heffernan, Kevin
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004. 323 p.
Itcush, Todd
Master's Thesis, University of Regina, 2006. 1 microfiche.
Jorg, Daniele
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Powell, Anna
In: Hand, Richard J., and McRoy, Jay, eds. Gothic Film: An Edinburgh Companion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. p. 123-135.
Ingold, Charles
in: Wright, Will and Kaplan, Stephen, eds. The Image of the Hero II in Literature, Media, and Society. Pueblo, CO: Colorado State University, 2010. p. 217-223.
Forry, Steven E.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990. 311pp.
Taves, Brian
Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2015. 358 p.
Ocker, J. W.
in: Szumskyj, Benjamin, ed. American Exorcist: Critical Essays on William Peter Blatty. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 71-77.
Scapperotti, Dan
Cinefantastique 28(10): 25-26, 62. June 1996.
Ransom, Amy J.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. 231 p.
Tenorio, Juanita Marie
Ph. D. Dissertation, Union Institute and University, 2021. 252 p. (DAI-A 83(5)(E).)
Parke, Maggie
Ph. D. Dissertation, Bangor University (Wales), 2014. [1], viii, 295, [4], [19], [27] p.
Ramsland, Katherine
in: Ramsland, Katherine, ed. The Anne Rice Reader. New York: Ballantine, 1997. pp.167-195.
in: Clayton, Wickham and Harman, Sarah, eds. Screening Twilight: Critical Approaches to a Cinematic Phenomenon. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2014. p. 1-7.
Alberti, John E.; Miller, P. Andrew
in: Alberti, John E. and Miller, P. Andrew, eds. Transforming Harry: The Adaptation of Harry Potter in the Transmedia Age. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2018. p. 1-16.
Morrison, Michael A.
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Hogan, D. J.
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Goffard, Christopher
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Siegel, Carol
in: Crow, Charles L., ed. A Companion to American Gothic. Hoboken: John Wiley 2014. p. 547-558.
Waller, Gregory A.
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Lofficier, Jean-Marc; Lofficier, Randy
Twilight Zone 4(5): 48-54. November/December 1984.
Lofficier, J. M.; Lofficier, Randy
Twilight Zone 4(6):48-54. November/December 1984.
Osborne, James Elliott
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, 2018. 262 p. (DAI-A 79(9)(E).)
McMurry, Elvira Magalhães Pereira Seca da Silva Fernandes
Master's Thesis, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2006. 122, viii p. + 1 CD-ROM
Shea, Mark
in: Croft, Janet B., ed. Tolkien on Film: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 2004. p. 309-311.
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in: Clayton, Wickham and Harman, Sarah, eds. Screening Twilight: Critical Approaches to a Cinematic Phenomenon. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2014. p. 74-85.
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in: Kapell, Matthew W. and Pilkington, Ace G., eds. The Fantastic Made Visible: Essays on the Adaptation of Science Fiction and Fantasy from Page to Screen. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 133-144.
Fernandez-Menicucci, Amaya
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in: Leeds, Marc and Reed, Peter J., eds. Kurt Vonnegut: Images and Representations. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000. pp. 93-100.
Clem, David
in: Kurwinkle, Tobias, Schmerheim, Philipp, and Kurwinkel, Annika, eds. Harry Potter Intermedial. Untersuchungen zu den (Film-)Welten von Joanne K. Rowling. Wurzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2014. p. 41-59.
Kirby, Jennifer
Literature Film Quarterly 43(4): 291-303. 2015,
Grace, Dominick M.
in: Weiss, Allan, ed. The Canadian Fantastic in Focus: New Perspectivs. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 55-66.
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