Burke, Brianna R.
In: Castle, Nora and Champion, Giulia, eds. Animals and Science Fiction. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 203-215.
Moran, Thomas
In: Castle, Nora and Champion, Giulia, eds. Animals and Science Fiction. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 299-315.
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Rushing, Robert A.
In: Finch-Race, Daniel A., Guaraldo, Emiliano, and Malvestio, Marco, eds. Italian Science Fiction and the Environmental Humanities. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2023. p. 111-128.
Bedggood, Daniel
In: Borkfelt, Sune and Stephan, Matthias, eds. Literary animal studies and the climate crisis, ed. by Sune Borkfelt and Matthias Stephan. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 267-289.
Battista, Chrissie
in: Baratta, Chris, ed. Environmentalism in the Realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. p. 157-167.
Yelin, Julieta
In: Pellisa, Teresa L. and Moreno Serrano, Fernando A., eds. Ensayos sobre ciencia ficción y literatura fantástica: 1er Congreso Internacional de Literatura Fantástica y Ciencia Ficción. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 2008. p. 745-751.
Taylor, Angus
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Olver, Catherine
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South, Malcolm
in: South, Malcolm, ed. Mythical and Fabulous Creatures. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. pp.352-370.
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in: South, Malcolm, ed. Mythical and Fabulous Creatures. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. pp. 371-373.
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in: Hackett, Jon and Harringteon, Sean, eds. Beasts of the Deep: Sea Creatures and Popular Culture. John Libbey Publishing, 2018. p. 111–126.
Lovatt, Helen
In: Marciniak, Katarzyna, ed. Chasing Mythical Beasts: The Reception of Ancient Monsters in Children's and Young Adult's Culture. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020. p. 449-470.
Bethune, Sarah; Tomassini, Paolo
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Docherty, John
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Gordon, Joan
SFRA Review No. 301: 26-30. Summer 2012.
Fox, Katherine Virginia
Master's Thesis, Emporia State University, 2021. 71 p. (MAI 82(12)(E).)
Jackson, Kasi
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Tomasula y Garcia, Alba
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Burkhard, Denise; Gymnich, Marion
In: Burkhard, Denise, Gymnich, Marion, and Petzold, Dieter, eds. Flora und Fauna in Fantastischen Welten: Symposium 2019 in Bonn = Flora and Fauna in Fantastic Worlds. (Inklings-Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 37.Band) Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020. p. 7-34.
Burkhard, Denise; Gymnich, Marion; Petzold, Dieter
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Cervone, Skye
New York Review of Science Fiction 30(3); 1, 4-7. May 2019. (No. 351)
Castle, Nora; Champion, Giulia
In: Castle, Nora and Champion, Giulia, eds. Animals and Science Fiction. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. p. 15-36.
Cox, Jennifer K.
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2013. 92 p. (MAI 52(1)(E), February 2014)
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Keetley, Dawn
in: Gregersdotter, Katarina, Hoglund, Johan, and Hallen. Nicklas, eds. Animal Horror Cinema: Genre, History and Criticism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 187-205.
Patten, Fred
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. 228 p.
Rasmussen, Claire E.
In: Grant, Judith and Parson, Sean, eds. Representations of Political Resistance and Emancipation in Science Fiction. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2021. p. 199-218.
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Stephenson, Jeffrey T.
In: Piturro, Vincent, ed. The Science of Sci-Fi Cinema: Essays on the Art and Principles of Ten Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 152-158.
Nagy, Gergely
In: Kirchy, Anna, ed. Posthumanism in Fantastic Fiction. Szeged: Americana, 2018. p. 56-73.
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Bachelor's Thesis, University of Iceland, 2006. 45 p.
Batty, Holly
Bookbird 53(1): 24-37. January 2015.
Revenson, Jody
New York: Harper Design, 2014. 206 p.
Gregersdotter, Katarina; Hallen, Nicklas; Hoglund, Johan
in: Gregersdotter, Katarina, Hoglund, Johan, and Hallen. Nicklas, eds. Animal Horror Cinema: Genre, History and Criticism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 19-36.
Lockwood, Alex
In: Borkfelt, Sune and Stephan, Matthias, eds. Literary animal studies and the climate crisis, ed. by Sune Borkfelt and Matthias Stephan. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 31-47.
Clement, Jennifer
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Journal of Animal Ethics 5(2): 181-187. Fall 2015. JSTOR, 
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Found 281 items on 6 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.