Simpson, Roger
Cambridge: Brewer, 1990. 293pp.
Tolson, Rebecca A.
Master's Thesis, Adelphi University, 1989. 98pp. (MAI 28(1): 38.)
Schneider, Angelika
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literatur und Aesthetik. Band 26, 2008. Moers: Brendow, 2008. p. 190-206.
Hughes, Linda K.
in: Watson, Jeanie and Fries, Marueen, eds. The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1989. pp.1-33.
Stine, G. Harry
Destinies 2(2): 221-236. Spring 1980. (New York: Ace, 1980. Magazine in book form)
Goslee, David F.
in: Watson, Jeanie and Fries, Maureen, eds. The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1989. pp.35-50.
Ladden, Arlene
Ph. D. Dissertation, New York University, 1987. 459pp. (DAI-A 48(7).)
Driggers, Taylor
Journal of Inklings Studies 3(2): 133-152. October 2013.
Faulkner, Peter
Journal of William Morris Studies 18(2): 15-51. Summer 2009.
Umland, Rebecca A.
Mythlore 41(2): 111-128. 2022.
Stephenson, Mimosa; Stephenson, Will
Quondam et Futurus 2(4): 49-55. Winter 1992.
Kay, Iva Stuart
Master's Thesis, North Texas State Teachers College, 1938. v, 144 p.
in: Fries, Maureen and Watson, Jeanie, eds. Approaches to the Teaching of the Arthurian Tradition. New York: Modern Language Association, 1992. pp.106-112.
Van Winkle, Matthew
in: Yang, Sharon R. The X-Files and Literature: Unweaving the Story, Unraveling the Lie to Find the Truth. NewCastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. p. 298-311.
Gillespie, John M.
The New Ray Bradbury Review No. 8: 13-30. 2024.
Fries, Maureen
Quondam et Futuris 1(1):44-55. Spring 1991.
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