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In: Aubrey, James, ed. Vampire Films Around the World: Essays on the Cinematic Undead of Sixteen Cultures. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2020.
Deplagne, F. Calado; Eleonora, Luciana
In: Prado, Amanda and Cavalcanti, Ildney, eds. Utopias sonhadas/distopias anunciadas: feminismo, gênero e cultura queer na literature. João Pessoa : Editora UFPB, 2019 . p. 25-44.
Mysore, Srinarahari H.
Academia 2019.
Banerjee, Suparno
Science Fiction Studies 43(3): 496-513. November 2016.
Lakkad, Abhishek Vikas
Studies in South Asian Film and Media 6(2): 105-120. October 2015.
Bhagya, C. S.
Muse India 61. May/June 2015. Online:
Naik, Priteegandha
Journal of International Women's Studies, 22(10), 106-122. 2021. Available at:
Gupta, Sagar Mal
Poetcrit (New Delhi 36(1 0; 78-84. 2023.
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Locus 52(5): 65. May 2004.
Khan, Sami Ahmad
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Mehan, Uppinder
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Singh, Ravindra Pratap
in: Sims, Jenn, ed. The Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press, 2012. p. 205-212.
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Pillai, Swarnavel E.
in: Feeley, Jennifer and Wells, Sarah A., eds. Simultaneous Worlds: Global Science Fiction Cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. p. 119-136.
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Basu, Anustup
South Asian History and Culture 2(4): 557-571. October 2011 doi:10.1080/19472498.2011.605299.
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Lim, Felicidad (Bliss Cua)
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Mukherjee, Silpa
Studies in South Asian Film and Media 6(2): 165-184. October 2015.
Adami, Esterino
ContactZone : Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio della fantascienza e del Fantastico : No. 1: 53-68. 2021
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Dasgupta, Rohit K.
in: Finn, Kavita M., ed. Fan Phenomena: Game of Thrones. Chicago: Intellect, 2017. p. 152-162.
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