Reiter, Ralf
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2008. Munchen: Heyne, 2008. p. 1069-1098.
Greenland, Colin
Doctoral (D. Phil) Dissertation, Pembroke College, Oxford University, England, 1981. 363 p.
London, Boston: Routledge, 1983. 244 p.
Moorcock, Michael
Locus 73(6): 45. December 2014.
Nicholls, Stan
Starlog 207: 52-57, 72. October 1994.
Elber-Aviram, Hadas
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 312 p.
Fear No. 23: 22-26. November 1990.
Hudson, Patrick
The Zone [7 p.] (Cited from: The Zone. Http://
Pringle, David
in: Pringle, David. Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1985. pp.133-134.
Gaiman, Neil
in: Moorcock, Michael. The Elric Saga, Volume One: Elric of Melnibone. New York: Saga Press, 2022. p. vii-xxi.
Kaplan, Carter
Extrapolation 45(4): 419-436. Winter 2004. (Reprinted in: Hassler, Donald M./Wilcox, Clyde, eds. New Boundaries in Political Science Fiction. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2008. p. 35-52.
McGrath, James F.
Phi Kappa Phi Forum 94(1): 18-20. Spring 2014.
Gunn, James
Science-Fiction Studies 10(1; [#29]): 15-23. March 1983.
Oliver, Matthew
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2009. i, 317 p. (DAI-A 70(8). 2009.)
Harrison, Andrew
New Statesman p40-43, July 24-30, 2015.
EI 9(1): 8-9. February 2010.
Wymer, Rowland
Mosaic 52(2): 93-109. June 2019.
Ruster, Johannes
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literature und Asthetik, BAND 22, 2004. Moers: Brendow Verlag, 2004. p. 101-115.
Gardiner, Jeff
M. Phil Thesis, University of Surrey, 2000. 1 v. (195 p.) (DAI-C 70(25). 2000.)
Means, Loren
YLEM Journal 25(10 & 12): 9-14. 2005.
No authors listed.
Steampunk Magazine No. 1: 20-21. 2007.
Covell, Ian
Science Fiction Review 8(1):18-25. January 1979.
Manchester, UK: Savoy Books, 2010. 717 p.
Platt, Charles
in: Moorcock, Michael. The Condition of Muzak. Boston: Gregg, 1978. pp. v-xii.
in: Moorcock, Michael. Elric The Stealer of Souls. New York: Ballantine, 2008. p. xxi-xxxiv.
in: Moorcock, Michael. New Worlds: An Anthology. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2004. p. xi-xxx.
Spinrad, Norman
in: Moorcock, Michael. The Final Programme. Boston: Gregg, 1976. pp. v-xv.
Powers, Richard G.
in: Moorcock, Michael. The Swords Trilogy. Boston: Gregg Press, 1980. p. v-xxiii.
Higgins, David M.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 2010. 252 p. (DAI-A 71/07, January 2011.)
Peeters, Bruno
Phenix No. 27: 141-147. Avril 1991.
London: Headpress, 2014. 164 p.
Allard, Jerome-Olivier
Solaris 32(4): 99-109. Printemps 2007. (No 162)
Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 17(2): 35-36. 2009. (No. 46) (Reprinted from Australian Science Fiction Review.)
Elhefnawy, Nader
New York Review of Science Fiction 19(4; [#220]): 22. December 2006.
Sneyd, Steve
Vector No. 237: 11-16. September/October 2004.
Noad, Benjamin E.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Stirling (UK), 2018. (DAI-C 82(12)(E).) (1.91 Mb)
Oakland, CA: PM Press, March 2012. 408 p.
Groes, Sebastian
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of East Anglia, 2006. [iv], 319 p. (DAI-C 70(43). 2006.);/etjps/429592
Baker, Brian
Literary London: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Representation of London 1(1): 17 paragraphs. March 2003. Online at Accessed on 12/7/2014.
Starlog 168: 79-85. July 1991.
DeJaeger, Eric
Phenix No. 27: 297-304. Avril 1991.
in: Burns, Alan. The Imagination on Trial. London: Allison, 1981. pp. 104-119.
Nicholls, Peter
in: Bleiler, E. F., ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers. New York: Scribner's, 1985. pp.1081-1090.
in: Bleiler, E. F., ed. Science Fiction Writers. New York: Scribners, 1982. pp. 449-457.
in: Platt, Charles. Dream makers: the uncommon people who write science fiction. New York: Berkley, 1980. pp. 205-213.
Walker, Paul
in: Walker, Paul. Speaking of Science Fiction. Oradell, New Jersey: Luna Publications, 1978. pp. 213-228. also in: Luna Monthly 59:1-9. 1975.
in: MacNee, Marie J., ed. Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Writers. Detroit, MI: U X L, 1995. pp.282-286.
Burns, Alan; Sugnet, Charles
in: Burns, Alan and Sugnet, Charles. The Imagination on Trial: British and American Writers Discuss Their Working Methods. London: Allison & Busby, 1981. pp. 104-119.
Clute, John
in: LoneStarCon 2 Program Book. San Antonio,TX: World Science Fiction Convention, 1997. pp. 20-23.
Hughes, Rhys
in: Bleiler, Richard, Ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror. New York: Thomson/Gale, 2003. p. 737-748.
Found 218 items on 5 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.