Eberle-Sinatra, Michael
in: Eberle-Sinatra, Michael, ed. Mary Shelley's Fictions: From Frankenstein to Falkner. London: Macmillan, 2000/New York: St. Martin's, 2000. p. 95-108.
Tooman, Zachary
Style 51(2): 167-186. 2017;
Goffeney, Martin W.
Ph. D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2020. 169 p. (DAI-A 82(3)(E).)
Tarr, Clayton C.
Studies in the Novel 47(2): 141-157. Summer 2015.
Speller, Maureen K.
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1129-1131.
Lokke, Kari E.
in: Schor, Esther, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Mary Shelley. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. p. 116-134.
Oetjen, Almut
Science Fiction Times (Germany) 32(9): 4-12. September 1990.
Fierro Benson, Joshua
Ph. D. Dissertation, George Washington University, 2021. 288 p. (DAI-A 83(7).)
Wright, Julia M.
in: Eberle-Sinatra, Michael, ed. Mary Shelley's Fictions: From Frankenstein to Falkner. London: Macmillan, 2000/New York: St. Martin's, 2000. p. 129-149.
Frost, R. J.
Vector No. 196: 10-11. November/December 1997.
Zolciak, Olivia
Master's Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 2017. 79 p. (MAI 56(3)(E).)
Sessarego, Carrie
Clarkesworld Magazine No. 62. March 2020. http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/sessarego_11_20/
Bradshaw, Michael
in: Littlewood, Derek and Stockwell, Peter, eds. Impossibility Fiction: Alternativity - Extrapolation - Speculation. Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1996. pp.163-176.
Hunt, Eileen M.
Review of International Studies 49(5): 832-854. December 2023.
Majumdar, Sarottama
In: Pulugurtha, Nishi, ed. Literary Representations of Pandemics, Epidemics and Pestilence. New York Routledge, 2923. p. 63-71.
In: Pulugurtha, Nishi, ed. Literary Representations of Pandemics, Epidemics and Pestilence. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 63-72.
Alber, Catherine
Supernatural Studies 8(1): 9-34. Summer/Fall 2022.
Lu, Lillian
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 2022. 210 p. (DAI-A 83(11)(E).) https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7z5644fp
Roberts, Robin A.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1985. v, 207 p. (DAI-A 46(5): 1289. Nov. 1985.)
McGuire, Karen
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1977. 177 p. (DAI-A 75(10).)
Botting, Eileen Hunt
Frontiers in Sociology 6: 1-8. March 24, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2021.624909
Hoffman, A. Robin
Foundation No. 104: 23-41. Winter 2008.
Bailes, Melissa
ELH, 82(2): 671-699. Summer 2015. Reprinted as: Reconstructing Origins: The Psychologization of Geological Catastrophe in Mary Shelley's The Last Man. In: Questioning Nature: British Women's Scientific Writing and Literary Originality, 1750-1830. By Melissa Bailes. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2017.
Samara, Donya A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1998. 250pp. (DAI-A 60: 435.)
Sandner, David
In: Punter, David and Mancini, C. Bruna, eds. Space(s) of the Fantastic: A 21st Century Manifesto. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2020. p. 85-95.
Found 61 items on 3 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.