Jahnke, Alex
Germany: O’Reilly Media Germany, 2012. 176 p.
Barillier, Etienne
Lyon: Moutons Electriques, 2010. 352 p.
Strongman, Jay
London: Korero, 2011. 175 p.
Blaylock, James P.; Di Filippo, Paul; Green, Jonathan; Hunt, Stephen
In: Westfahl, Gary, ed. Jules Verne Lives!: Essays on His Works and Legacy. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 261-268.
Internet Resource: http://steampunk.republika.pl/opedia.html
McAllister, Robbie
Science Fiction Film & Television 15(3): 295-313. 2022.
Jackson, Sara
Writer 125(11/12): 45-46. November/December 2012.
Forlini, Stefania
Neo-victorian Studies 3(1): 72-98. 2010.
in: Bowser, Rachel A. and Croxall, Brian, eds. Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, Presents, and Futures. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. p. 97-125.
Hager, Lisa
in: Bowser, Rachel A. and Croxall, Brian, eds. Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, Presents, and Futures. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. p. 179-197.
Donovan, Art
East Petersburg, PA: Fox Chapel, 2013. 167 p.
Goh, Jaymee
in: Shawl, Nisi, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 5: Writing and Racial Identity. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2011. p. 148-162.
Hondroudakis, Geoffrey; Mills, Catriona
Australian Literary Studies 33(4): 1-18. 2018.
Australian Literary Studies 33(4). December 2018. https://www-australianliterarystudies-com-au.srv-proxy1.library.tamu.edu/articles/the-ends-of-empire-australian-steampunk-and-the-reimagining-of-euro-modernity Accessed 30 July 2019
Baker, Bill
in: VanderMeer, Jeff and VanderMeer, Ann, eds. Steampunk. San Francisco, CA: Tachyon, 2008. p. 359-368.
Croft, Janet B.
in: Teague, Gypsey E., ed. Presentations of the 2010 Upstate Steampunk Extravaganza and Meetup. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. p. 3-16.
Nevins, Jess
New York Review of Science Fiction 21(5): 1, 4-5. January 2009. (No. 245)
Mumford, Zola
in: Shawl, Nisi, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 5: Writing and Racial Identity. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2011. p. 132-147.
Ferguson, Lydia E.
in: Teague, Gypsey E., ed. Presentations of the 2010 Upstate Steampunk Extravaganza and Meetup. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. p. 47-54.
Hill, Rebecca
Voice of Youth Advocates 33(4): 335-337. October 2010.
Blair, Kirstie
Neo-Victorian Studies 3(1): 196-207. 2010.
Klaw, Rick
in: VanderMeer, Jeff and VanderMeer, Ann, eds. Steampunk. San Francisco, CA: Tachyon, 2008. p. 349-357.
Chambers, S. J.; VanderMeer, Jeff
New York: Abrams Image, 2011. 224 p.
Siemann, Catherine
in: Bowser, Rachel A. and Croxall, Brian, eds. Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, Presents, and Futures. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. p. 51-70.
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