Lomax, Tara
In: Peaslee, Robert M. and Weiner, Robert G., eds. The Supervillain Reader. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2020. p. 214-223.
Frankel, Valerie E.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. 237 p.
Rabb, J. Douglas; Richardson, J. Michael
Slayage 6(3; [#23]): [23 p.]. Spring 2007. (http://slayageonline.com/) (Extract from their The Existential Jos Whedon.)
Los Gatos, CA: Smashwords, 2016. 135 p. e-book
Wisniewski, Alise M.
Master's Thesis, University of Denver, 2019. 79 p. (MAI 81(3)(E).)
Waters, Todd S.
in: Bell, Christopher E., Ed. Hermione Granger Saves the World: Essays on the Feminist Heroine of Hogwarts. Jefferson, NC: McFarlan, 2012. p. 198-219.
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