Kaner, Margaret
in: Yang, Sharon R. The X-Files and Literature: Unweaving the Story, Unraveling the Lie to Find the Truth. NewCastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. p. 230-248.
Krauss, Lawrence M.
New York: Basic Books, 1997. 190pp.
Geraghry, Lincoln
In: Geraghry, Lincoln. American Science Fiction Film and Television. New York: Berg, 2009. p. 85-102.
Hansen, Regina
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Lipsky, David
Rolling Stone No. 754: 35-41. February 20, 1997.
Richmond, Ray
Los Angeles (CA) Daily News. August 24, 1995. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 82:E12-E14. 1995.
Kowalski, Dean A.
in: Kowalski, Dean A., ed. The Philosophy of The X-Files. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2007. p. 189-208.
Mallory, Daniel
In: Arp, Robert, ed. The X-Files and Philosophy: The Truth Is In Here. Chicago: Open Court, 2017. p. 259-26.
Probst, Chris
American Cinematographer 76(6): 28-32. June 1995.
Clerc, Susan J.
in: Lavery, David, Angela Hague, and Marla Cartwright, eds. 'Deny All Knowledge': Reading the X-Files. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1996. pp.36-51.
Spelling, Ian
Starlog 244: 62-65. November 1997.
Lavery, David
London: Faber & Faber, 1996. 233pp.
Cartwright, Marla; Hague, Angela; Lavery, David
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1996. 233pp.
Shapiro, Marc
Starlog 202: 46-49. May 1994.
Kydd, Elspeth
Journal of Film and Video 53(4): 72-83. Winter 2001/2002.
Loughrey, Dennis
In: Arp, Robert, ed. The X-Files and Philosophy: The Truth Is In Here. Chicago: Open Court , 2017. p. 103-110.
Corcos, Christine A.; Corcos, Isabel; Stockhoff, Brian
Louisiana Law Review 59(4): 1041-1099. Summer 1999.
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Cakan, Myra
in: Alien Contact: Jahrbuch für Science Fiction und Fantasy, 2002. Berlin: Shayol Verlag, 2003. p. 239.
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Wills, Emily R.
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Nazzaro, Joe
Starlog 227: 70-73. June 1996.
Demain, Bill
Starlog 237: 52-55. April 1997.
Trogan, Christopher R.
in: Kowalski, Dean A., ed. The Philosophy of The X-Files. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2007. p. 232-242.
Freeman, David
In: Arp, Robert, ed. The X-Files and Philosophy: The Truth Is In Here. Chicago: Open Court , 2017. p. 63-69.
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