Vint, Sherryl
in: Latham, Rob, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. p. 305-316.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 10(4):8. January 1989.
Wall, David S.
Information, Communication and Society 11(6): 861-884. December 2008.
Khan, Anwar Husain
Multidisciplinary Studies 4(9): 55-60. 2015. (
Braidotti, Rosi
in: Barr, Marleen S., ed. Envisioning the Future: Science Fiction and the Next Millennium. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2003. p. 146-169.
Anderson, W. French; Pournelle, Jerry
San Francisco, CA. s.l.: Audio Visual Education Network, [2001]. 2 sound cassettes.
Lacroix, Isabelle; Premont, Karine
Montreal: Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 2016. 250 p.
Hermann, Isabella; Schonbohm, Ava
in: Schonbohm, Avo; von Horsten, Hans Henning; Plugmann, Philipp; von Stosch, Moritz, eds. Innovation in Life Sciences 
The Digital Revolution. Cham: Springer, 2024. p. 3-14.
Walface, Kelsey
Bitch Magazine No. 48: 7. Fall 2010.
Gold, Lyta
Soft Skull, October 2024. 352 p.
Williams, Mary E.
in: Wiener, Gary, ed. Violence in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games Trilogy. Lanham, MD: Greenhaven Press, 2014. p. 168-172. (Reprinted from Salon, June 6, 2011.)
Clermont, Philippe
in: Dupeyron-Lafay, Francoise/Fondaneche, Daniel, eds. CERLI: Actes des colloques 1997, 1998 et 1999. Science-fiction & fantastique. Etampes: CEDIS Editions, 2004. p. 127-138.
Disch, Thomas M.
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2005. Munchen: Heyne, 2005. p. 74-97.
Hamling, W. L.
Fantasy Times No. 138:19-21. September (2) 1951.
Aldiss, Brian W.
in: Aldiss, Brian W. The Detached Retina: Aspects of SF and Fantasy. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995. pp.187-191.
Von Burg, Ron
Critical Studies in Media Communicatis 29(1): 7-26. 2012.
Christopher, John
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 11(4): 74-76. October 1956.
Nelson, John S.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. 318 p.
Yodovich, Neta
Sociology 55(5): 871-887. October 2021.
Pugh, Sheenagh
Bridgend : Seren, 2005. 282 p.
Libby, E. F.; Waugh, C. G.; Waugh, C. L.
Paper presented at the Science Fiction Research Association Annual Meeting, November 1975. 22 p.
Betancourt, John G.
Weird Tales 51(2):11-12. Winter 1989.
Ali-Coleman, Khadijah Z.
In: White, Renee T. and Ritzenhoff, Karen A., eds. Afrofuturism in Black Panther: Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness. Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2021. p. 287-298.
Fritzsche, Albrecht M.
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr Nr. 11, 1996. München: Heyne, 1996. p. 527-538.
Zipperer, Freya Johnson
Ed. D. Dissertation, University of Georgia, 1985. 179pp. (DAI-A 47(1), 111. July 1986.)
McCaffery, Larry
Mississippi Review 16(2/3):7-15. 1988.
Yoho, Rob
in: Brenner Lisa S., ed. Playing Harry Potter: Essays and Interviews on Fandom and Performance. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 220-231.
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. 260pp.
Spalding, Donna
Ph. D. Dissertation, Université Stendhal Grenoble III, 1998. 446 p.
Santoro Domingo, Pablo
Ph. D. Dissertation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2006. 439 p.
Schwarz, Matthias
Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2003. 195 p.
Lange, Maria B.
in: Rogotzki, Nina, ed. Faszinierend! Star Trek und die Wissenschaften. Kiel: Ludwig, 2003. Band 1, p. 131-158.
Neilson, Toby
Science Fiction Film and Television 12(2): 241-258. Summer 2019.
Kilgore, De Witt D.
Science Fiction Studies 37(1): 16-22. March 2010. Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 4, p. 170-176.
Tiffin, Jessica
Journal of Literary Studies (Pretoria, SA) 15(12): 66-80. 1999.
Michaud, Thomas
Innovations, No. 44: 213-233. 2014.
Bainbridge, William S.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1986. 278 p.
Franklin, Morris E.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Utah, 2008. 254 p.
Renaud, Maurice
Science Fiction Studies 21(3): 397-405. November 1994.
Carpenter, Charli; Young, Kevin L.
International Studies Quarterly 62(3):562-576. September 2018. Corrigendum: International Studies Quarterly 63(1): 213. March 2019.
Blyler, John
Design News April 7, 2020. Accessed 20 April 2020
Carroll, Rory
Guardian (UK) p. 10. November 19, 2013. Online edition:
Chaplin, Sean; Greenidge, Giselle; Srong, K., Myron T.
In: White, Renee T. and Ritzenhoff, Karen A., eds. Afrofuturism in Black Panther: Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness. Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2021. p. 203-214.
Pohlenz, Phillipp; Reusswig, Fritz; Schwartzkopf, Julia
Potsdam: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2004. 61 p. (PIK Report No. 92.)
Pohlenz, P.; Reusswig, Fritz; Schwarzkopf, J.
PIK Report, 92, 3–61. 2004.
Crichton, Jennifer
Publishers Weekly 223(1): 47-49. January 14, 1983.
Henriksen, Margot A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1989. 628 p. (DAI-A 51(8): 2851, February 1991)
Miller, Mark; Quarles, J. P.
ERIC ED 245 257. 14 p. August 1984.
Rose, Hilary
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 3 (1): 119-137. Spring 1988.
Verheul, Jaap
Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2004. 252 p.
Defferrard, Fabrice
Paris: Editions Mare & Martin, 2017. 270 p.
Wheat, David
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 17(3): 266-283. Fall 2006.
Sadowski, Marianne
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1998. 268 p. (DAI-A 58(8): 3123, February 1998.)
Chalpin, Lila
Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University, 1977. 232pp. (DAI 38(9): 5383A.)
New Orleans Times Picayune sec. 7, p. 3. September 16, 1982.
Newsweek 100(5): 50. August 2, 1982.
Rense, Rip
Los Angeles Herald Examiner December 20, 1982. in: NewsBank. Business and Economic Development. 111: E4-6. December 1982.
Fesperman, Dan
Miami Herald. December 12, 1982. in: Newsbank. Business and Economic Development. 111:E7-8. December 1982.
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Madison, NJ: Children's Literature New England, 1993. 26pp.
Cathcart, Dolita
In: White, Renee T. and Ritzenhoff, Karen A., eds. Afrofuturism in Black Panther: Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness. Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2021. p. 215-244.
Hamner, Everett L.
University Park: Penn State University Press, 2017. 264 p.
Shepard, Lucius
Postscripts No. 7: 3-7. Summer 2006.
Rusch, Kristine K.
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 89(1): 6-8. July 1995.
Ferman, E. L.
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 62(6): 5-6. June 1982.
Pemberton, C.; Rippington, Geoff
Vector 116: 3-5. September 1983.
Alon, Dar; Green, Melanie C.; Lu, Amy Shirong
Journal of Communication 74(2): 160-172. April 2024. Response: Journal of Communication, Volume 74, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 173–176,
Casares, Allyson J.
The Looking Glass 8(3): [8 p.] September 2, 2004. (
Davis, Hilarie; Ng, Carolyn Y.; Sweeney, Mandy; Viggiano, Greg
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 39(4): 361-382. 2020.
Morelock, Jeremiah
Ph. D. Dissertation, Boston College, 2019. ix, 208 p. (DAI-A 81(3)(E).)
Manlove, Colin N.
Fantasy Review 9(4):13-14, 49. April 1986.
Williams, Tess
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 115-136.
Goulding, Jay
Toronto, ON: Sisyphus Press, 1985. 95 p.
Feenberg, Andrew
Johns Hopkins Magazine 28(2):13-22. March 1977.
Millner, Michael
Arizona Quarterly 69(4): 111-132. Winter 2013.
Elekes, Robert G.
in: Ferstl, Paul and Zahlmann, Thomas W., eds. Fantasy Studies, Wein: Ferstl and Perz Verlag, 2016. p. 327-346.
Levin, A. E.
Science-Fiction Studies 4(3):246-256. November 1977.
Miller, Ryder W.
Internet Review of Science Fiction 1(6): [6 p.]. June 2004. (
Gelder, Ken
in: Mathijs, Ernest and Pomerance, Murray, ed. From Hobbits to Hollywood: Essays on Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings. New York: Rodopi, 2006. p. 101-118.
Rollin, Roger B.
in: Hatfield, Charles, Heer, Jeet, and Worcester, Kent, eds. The Superhero Reader, ed. by Charles Hatfield, Jeet Heer, and Kent Worcester. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013. p. 84-98. (Sections I, III and V of Rollin's essay are reprinted from College English , Vol. 31, no. 5, February 1970, 431-449.)
Mitchell, James Brian
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 2007. 352 p. (DAI-A 68(2):586. August 2007.)
White, James W.
Masters Thesis, Mississippi State University, 1973. 283 p.
Kress, Nancy
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 201-209.
Hrotic, Steven M.
Public Understanding of Science 23(8): 996-1012. 2014.
Pettus, David P.
Master's Thesis, Middle Tennessee State University, 1976. iii, 138pp.
Stevens, Savannah Jo
Master's Thesis, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017. 58 p. (MAI 57(4M)(E).)
Lizardi, Ryan
Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022. 170 p.
Goldsmith, Michelle
LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community 27(1): 31-44. 2016.
Bouzó, Xiana Vázquez
Master's Thesis, University of Hull, 2018. 88 p.
Miller, Elizabeth C.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021. 304 p.
Busby, F. M.
in: Sanders, Joe, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. pp.143-148.
Hills, Matt
New York: Routledge, 2002. 237 p.
Fantasy Times No. 125:2. March (1) 1951.
Drushel, Bruce E.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 132 p.
Pustz, Matthew J.
Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Iowa, 1998. 558 p. (DAI-A 59(5): 1636. November 1998.)
Coulson, Robert
in: Sanders, Joe, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. pp.11-14.
Warner, Harry, Jr.
in: Sanders, Joe, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. pp.65-74.
Wu, Dingbo
in: Sanders, Joe, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. pp.133-136.
Axler, David M.
Master's Thesis, Western Kentucky University, 1977. xv, 141 p.
Madle, Robert A.
in: Sanders, Joe, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. pp.37-54.
Ford, D. E.
Fantasy Times No. 254:27-29. September (1) 1956.
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