Klimczak, Peter
Stuttgart Ibidem-Verlag, 2009. 118 p.
Hughes, David Y.
in: Mamczak, Sascha, Pirling, Sebastian and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2014. Berlin: Heyne, 2014. p. 281-320.
Milling, Jill Langston Hodge
Master's Thesis, University of Texas as Dallas, 1982. 71 p. (MAI 43(6).)
Milling, Jill
in: Saciuk, Olena H., ed. The Shape of the Fantastic. New York: Greenwood, 1990. pp.103-116.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Texas, Dallas, 1985. 242 p. (DAI-A 46(6): 1617. Dec. 1985.)
Jurkiewicz, Kenneth
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 92-93.
No authors listed.
Locus 32(3): 68. March 1994.
Science Fiction Chronicle 15(4): 16. February 1994.
Brean, Simon
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015. (http://resf.revues.org/698) Accessed 21.January.2016.
Winogura, Dale
Cinefantastique 2(2):16-37. Summer 1972.
Shain, Ralph
in: Huss, John, ed. Planet of the Apes and Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike. Chicago: Open Court, 2013. p. 111-121.
Burgos-Lovece, Ruy
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2001. 134 p. (DAI-A 62(3):1044. September 2001)
De Paolo, Charles
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003. 160 p.
Chabot, Hugues
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015. (http://resf.revues.org/717) Accessed 21.January.2016.
Bozzetto, Roger
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015. (http://resf.revues.org/767) Accessed 21.January.2016.
Quero, Yann
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015. (http://resf.revues.org/703) Accessed 21.January.2016.
Lloyd, Christopher
in: Saul, Nicholas and James, Simon J. eds. The Evolution of Literature: Legacies of Darwin in European Cultures. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi; 2011. p. 185-199.
Huftier, Arnaud
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015. (http://resf.revues.org/781) Accessed 21.January.2016.
Roy, Paulette
Paris: Juilliard, 1970. 176 p. Based on the Author's thesis, City University of New York, 1969.)
El Hajj, Murielle; Montoneri, Bernard
In: Montoneri, Bernard, ed. Time Travel in World Literature and Cinema. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2024. p. 5-41.
Young, R. V., Jr.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1692-1696.
Mauméjean, Xavier
ReS Futurae No. 6, 2015. (http://resf.revues.org/739) Accessed 21.January.2016.
Clermont, Philippe
in: Dupeyron-Lafay, Francoise/Fondaneche, Daniel, eds. CERLI: Actes des colloques 1997, 1998 et 1999. Science-fiction & fantastique. Etampes: CEDIS Editions, 2004. p. 255-266.
Becker, Lucille F.
French Literature Series 20: 119-125. 1993.
Le Blanc, Mitch; Odell, Colin
Vector No. 220: 6-8. November/December 2001.
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