Hammond, Joseph
Washington Post October 18, 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/dune-novels-draw-on-islamic-motifs-and-have-in-turn-inspired-muslim-artists/2021/10/18/f271b3ba-3041-11ec-8036-7db255bff176_story.html Accessed 19 October 2021.
LaPointe, Tanya
San Rafael, CA: Insight Editions, 2021. 240 p.
Krugman, Paul
New York Times October 26, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/26/opinion/dune-movie-foundation-series.html
Tembo, Kwasu D.
Studies in the Fantastic. 13(1): 62-84. Summer/Fall 2022.
Riefe, Jordan
LATimes.com The Envelope, January 6, 2022: 12-13.
Dridi, Yosr
Ekphrasis: Images, Cinema,Theory, Media 28(2): 49-67. 2022.
Mottram, James
Sight and Sound 31(9): 14. November 2021.
Wander, Misha G.
Ekphrasis: Images, Cinema,Theory, Media 28(2): 85-103. 2022.
Donsbach, Ruben; Qazi, Atifa
Kulturaustausch: Issue 2. 2024. 44-47.
Roth, Eric; Spaints, Jon; Villeneuve, Denis
LATimes.com The Envelope, February 17, 2022: 22.
Tengyue, Xu
Frontiers in Art Research 4(13): 82-86, 2022. DOI: 10.25236/FAR.2022.041316
James, Daron
LATimes.com The Envelope, February 24, 2022: 22.
Griffiths, Devin
Textual Practice: October 2024. 1-21.
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