Zarin, Babak
Transformative Works and Cultures 4: [9 p]. 2010. (
Grace, Dominick M.; Macklem, Lisa
In: Grace, Dominick M. and Macklem, Lisa, eds. Supernatural Politics: Essays on Social Engagement, Fandom, and the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 1-11.
George, Susan A.; Hansen, Regina M.
in: George, Susan A. and Hansen, Regina M., eds. Supernatural, Humanity, and the Soul: On the Highway to Hell and Back. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 1-10.
In: Macklem, Lisa and Grace, Dominick, eds. Supernatural Out of the Box: Essays on the Metatextuality of the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 1-13.
Morris, Tracy S.
in: Wilson, Leah, ed. In the Hunt: Unauthorized Essays on Supernatural. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2009. p. 219-224.
Swendson, Shanna
in: Wilson, Leah, ed. In the Hunt: Unauthorized Essays on Supernatural. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2009. p. 251-262.
Thompson, Robbie
In: Time Lords & Tribbles, Winchesters & Muggles: The DePaul Pop Culture Conference, A Five-year Retrospective, ed. Paul Booth and Isabella Menichiello. Private printing, 2017. pp. 114-116.
Tosenberger, Catherine
Transformative Works and Cultures 4: [39 p]. 2010. (
Kiser, Paula S.
In: Grace, Dominick M. and Macklem, Lisa, eds. Supernatural Politics: Essays on Social Engagement, Fandom, and the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 87-101.
Astrom, Berit
Transformative Works and Cultures 4: [21 p]. 2010. (
Collins, Misha
in: Zubernis, Lynn S. and Larsen, Katherine, eds. Fan Phenomena: Supernatural. Chicago, IL: Lakeside Books, 2014. p. 100-105.
Grosse, Patricia L.
In: Time Lords & Tribbles, Winchesters & Muggles: The DePaul Pop Culture Conference, A Five-year Retrospective, ed. Paul Booth and Isabella Menichiello. Private printing, 2017. pp. 146-148.
George, Susan A.
in: George, Susan A. and Hansen, Regina M., eds. Supernatural, Humanity, and the Soul: On the Highway to Hell and Back. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 141-154.
Goguen, Stacey
in: Foresman, Galen A., ed. Supernatural and philosophy: metaphysics and monsters for idjits. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. p. 169-178.
Kies, Bridget
In: Booth, Paul and Menichiello, Isabella, eds. Time Lords & Tribbles, Winchesters & Muggles: The DePaul Pop Culture Conference, A Five-year Retrospective. Private printing, 2017. pp. 152-154.
Robinson, Gregory J.
in: George, Susan A. and Hansen, Regina M., eds. Supernatural, Humanity, and the Soul: On the Highway to Hell and Back. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 197-210.
Re, Valentina
In: Boni, Marta, ed. World Building: transmedia, fans, industries. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017. p. 321-342.
Genovese, Megan
In: Grace, Dominick M. and Macklem, Lisa, eds. Supernatural Politics: Essays on Social Engagement, Fandom, and the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 162-179.
in: Zubernis, Lynn S. and Larsen, Katherine, eds. Fan Phenomena: Supernatural. Chicago, IL: Lakeside Books, 2014. p. 22-33.
Schmidt, Lisa
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in: Foresman, Galen A., ed. Supernatural and philosophy: metaphysics and monsters for idjits. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. p. 83-94.
Golomb, Liorah
In: Fisher, Jason and Croft, Janet B. eds. Loremasters and Libraries in Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Gedenkschriftfor David D. Oberhelman. Altadena, CA: Mythopoeic Press, 2022. p. 210-219.
Brown, Nathan R.
New York : Berkley, 2011. 272 p.
Graves, Joseph L., Jr.
in: Foresman, Galen A., ed. Supernatural and philosophy: metaphysics and monsters for idjits. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. p. 179-188.
In: Time Lords & Tribbles, Winchesters & Muggles: The DePaul Pop Culture Conference, A Five-year Retrospective, ed. Paul Booth and Isabella Menichiello. Private printing, 2017. pp. 143-145.
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