Sansweet, Stephen J.
San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1992. 131pp.
Smiley, Robin H.
Firsts 21(8): 33. November 2011.
Firsts 21(8): 14-17, 22-32, 34-41. November 2011.
Firsts 21(8): 15-35. October 2011.
Firsts 21(8): 10-14. October 2011.
No authors listed.
Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine 13(8): 50. October 2003.
Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine 12(8): 50-51. October 2002.
Firsts 11(8): 54-55. October 2001.
Howlett-West, Stephanie
Firsts 18(3): 20-29. March 2008.
Wingenfeld, Lee A.
New York Review of Science Fiction 15(1): 8-9. September 2002. (No. 169)
Levin, Barry R.
AB Bookman's Weekly 84(9):604-609. August 28, 1989.
Black, Michael A.
Baby Boomer Collectibles [3(8):] 32-33, 42-51. April 1996.
Lovisi, Gary
Paperback Parade No. 17:6-18. March 1990.
PR Newswire p. 0513CHW006. May 13, 1998.
Newgarden, Al
Books Are Everything 4(2):62. June 1991. [No. 18]
Wells, Stuart W.
Norfolk, VA: Antique Trader Books, 1998. 237 p.
Urban, Scott H.
Paperback Parade No. 54: 55-74. July 2000.
Koenig, H.
The Fantasy Fan 2(1): 10, 15. September 1934.
Modesto, CA: Howlett-West, 1996. 408pp.
Webster, Bud
West Warwick, RI: Merry Blacksmith Press, 2011. 80 p. (Revision of the 2004 edition)
in: Beahm, George, ed. The Unauthorized Anne Rice Companion. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1996. pp.85-86.
Goode, Greg; Thiessen, Grant
Paperback Parade No. 18:26-34. May 1990
Lesser, Tom
Paperback Parade No. 18:35-36. May 1990
Cornwell, Sue; Kott, Mike
New York: House of Collectibles, 1991. 277pp.
Weist, Jerry
Gloucester, MA: Arcturian Books, 2000. 569pp.
Found 355 items on 15 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.