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Fuchs, Cynthia J.
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Williams, Sarah
in: Gray, Chris H., ed. The Cyborg Handbook. New York: Routledge, 1995. pp.379-390.
Kavetsky, Jennifer A-C.
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Bourgault, Chantal
in: Hantke, Steffen, ed. Horror, Vashon Island, WA: Paraxoxa, 2002. p. 151-175. (Paradoxa, No. 17)
Christie, John R. R.
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Bisschoff, Lizelle
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in: Brahm, Gabriel, Jr. and Driscoll, Mark, eds. Prosthetic Territories: Politics and Hypertechnologies. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995. pp. 204-219.
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In: Bohrmann, Thomas, Veith, Werner, and Zoller, Stephan, eds. Handbuch Theologie und populärer Film. Band 1. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh 2007. p. 115-128..
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