Detsi-Diamanti, Zoe
in: Pastourmatzi, Domna, ed. Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Thessaloniki, Greece: University Studio Press, 2002. p. 111-127.
Pastourmatzi, Domna
Thessaloniki, Greece: University Studio Press, 2002. 512 p.
Farrugia-Jones, Cynthia
in: Grech, Victor, Scerri, Mariella, and Zammit, David J., eds. Star Trek: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Theory and Practice. Pembroke, Malta: SciFi Malta, 2015. p. 52-61.
Campbell, Craig
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 329-331. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Charret-del Bove, Marion
in: Jerome Goffette and Lauric Guillaud, eds. L'imaginaire medical dans le fantastique et la science-fiction: colloque du CERLI. Paris: Bragelonne, 2011. p. 345-352.
Swehla, Tessa
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, 2022. 229 p. (DAI-A 84(4)(E).)
Wald, Priscilla
Lancet 371(9628): 1908-1909. June 7, 2008.
Bollinger, Laurel
Extrapolation 50(3): 377-399. Fall 2009.
LeMenager, Stephanie
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 357-359. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Nair, Gautham H.
International Journal of Health and Economic Development 8(1): 46-70, January 2022.
Montiz, Ana I.
in: Martins, Lourdes Câncio, ed. Utopia e ciência. Ribeirão : Húmus, 2009. p. 199-208.
Allan, Kathryn
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 217 p.
Grech, Victor
New York Review of Science Fiction 29(11): 22-26. June 2018. (No. 347)
New York Review of Science Fiction 28(12; [#336]): 24-29. August 2016.
Schnur, Kate
In: McCormick, Lizzie H., Mitchell, Jennifer, and Soares, Rebecca, eds. The Female Fantastic : Gendering the Supernatural in the 1890s and 1920s. New York: Routledge, 2019. p. 203-227.
Carter, Simon; Henderson, Lesley
Medical Humanities 42 (4): 277-282. December 2016. DOI: 10.1136/medhum-2016-010902
Eberl, Jason T.; Grech, Elizabeth; Grech, Victor
Foundation No. 126: 35-46. 2017.
Bear, Greg
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 119-126.
Westfahl, Gary
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 111-118.
Li, Hua
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 359-61. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Stifflemire, Brett S.
In: Burnett, Tamy and Comeford, AmiJo, eds. Blood, Body and Soul: Essays on Health, Wellness and Disability in Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Dollhouse. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. p. 100-113.
Subotsky, Fiona
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 186 p.
Murphy, Graham J.
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 363-365. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Semmler, Iliana A.
Literature and Medicine 17(1): 149-174. 1998.
Pomidor, Alice K.; Pomidor, Bill
Medicine and Creativity 368: 13-14. December 2006, Supplement.
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