Nae, Andrei
New York: Routledge, 2021. 237 p.
Tohill, Cathal; Tombs, Pete
New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1995. 272pp.
Vani, Christina
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2018. 290 p. (DAI-A 80(4)(E).)
Smith, Angela M.
in: Conrich, Ian, Ed. Horror Zone: The Cultural Experience of Contemporary Horror Cinema. New York: Tauris, 2010. p. 259-275.
Cherry, Brigid
in: Hand, Richard J./McRoy, Jay, eds. Monstrous Adaptations: Generic and Thematic Mutations in Horror Film. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2007. p. 48-63.
Hoglund, Johan
in: Corstorphine, Kevin and Kremmel, Laura R., eds. The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 327-338.
Syder, Andrew; Tierney, Dolores
in: Schneider, Steven J./Williams, Tony, eds. Horror International. Detroit: Wayne State University, 2005. p. 33-55.
Lopez Martin, Lola
in: Ordiz, Javier, ed. Estrategias y figuraciones de lo insolito en la narrativa mexicana (siglos XIX-XXI). New York: Peter Lang, 2014. p. 31-58.
Williamson, J. N.
Riverside Quarterly 7(4): 246-247. December 1985.
Zizek, Slavoj
in: Gelder, Ken. The Horror Reader. London: Routledge, 2000. p. 71-79.
No authors listed.
Harper's 279(1673):45-53. October 1989.
Skeet, Michael
Weird Tales 66(3): 16-19. Winter 2012. (No. 359)
Goldberg, Ruth
in: Hand, Richard J./McRoy, Jay, eds. Monstrous Adaptations: Generic and Thematic Mutations in Horror Film. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2007. p. 192-208.
White, J. A.
in: Ahmad, Aalya and Moreland, Sean, eds. Fear and Learning : Essays on the Pedagogy of Horror. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. p. 200-223.
Ognjanovic, Dejan
Iluminace 23(3): 97-111. 2011.
Masse, Michelle A.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. 301pp.
Williams, Tony
in: Rhodes, Gary D., ed. Horror at the Drive-In: Essays in Popular Americana. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003. p. 113-125.
Marino, Dolores Edith
Master's Thesis, University of Chicago, 1975. iv, 87 p.
Variety p. 7, 24. February 16, 1983.
Winther, Thomas
Vanlose: Science Fiction Cirklen, 2007. 229 p.
Floyd, Jacob
in: Bacon, Simon, ed. The Evolution of Horror in the Twenty-First Century. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. p. 185-198.
Pamboukian, Sylvia Amy
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 2003. 164 p. (DAI-A 64(6).)
Niezgoda, Brandon
In: Van Riper, Cynthia J. and Van Riper, A. Bowdoin., eds. Dark 
Forces at Work. Essays on Social Dynamics and Cinematic 
Horrors. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020. p. 163-180.
Cotter, Robert M.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. 220 p.
Ellis, Dennin
In: Bhattacharjee, Subashish and Berns, Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni, eds. Horror and Philosophy: Essays on Their Intersection in Film, Television and Literature. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2024. p. 36-48.
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