Hay, Jonathan
Journal of Posthumanism 2(3): 193-204. 2022.
Yodovich, Neta
Feminist Media Studies 20(8): 1243-1258. 2020.
Pool, Landon G.
Master's Thesis, Tarleton State University, 2015. (MAI 55/01M(E))
Neis, Kathrin
In: Cabrera Torrecilla, Angélica; Sáez de Adana, Francisco; Ryan, Marie-Laure, eds. The Multiverse as Theory in Postmodern Speculative Fictional Narratives. New York: Routledge; 2024. p. 141-153.
Clarke, Jim
Journal of Religion & Popular Culture 27(1): 31-44. Spring 2015.
Leuschner, Eric
In: O’Day, Andrew, ed. Doctor Who: Twelfth Night: Adventures in Time and Space with Peter Capaldi. London and New York: I. B. Taurus, 2019. p. 94-110.
Cherry, Brigid
In: O’Day, Andrew, ed. Doctor Who: Twelfth Night: Adventures in Time and Space with Peter Capaldi. London and New York: I. B. Taurus, 2019. p. 203-234.
Lloyd, Robert
Los Angeles Times, May 10, 2024: E1, E3.
McNaughton, Douglas
In: O’Day, Andrew, ed. Doctor Who: Twelfth Night: Adventures in Time and Space with Peter Capaldi. London and New York: I. B. Taurus, 2019. p. 28-60.
Hills, Matt
In: O’Day, Andrew, ed. Doctor Who: Twelfth Night: Adventures in Time and Space with Peter Capaldi. London and New York: I. B. Taurus, 2019. p. 153-179.
Welch, Rosanne
In: Cherry, Brigid; Hills, Matt; and O’Day, Andrew, eds. Doctor Who – New Dawn: Essays on the Jodie Whittaker Era. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2021. p. 41-53.
Richards, Jonathan
Times Sec. 2, p. 4-5. November 21, 2003.
Hogg, Christopher
In: Cherry, Brigid; Hills, Matt; and O’Day, Andrew, eds. Doctor Who – New Dawn: Essays on the Jodie Whittaker Era. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2021. p. 72-84.
Ail, Dorothy; Wood, Tat
Philadelphia, PA: Mad Norwegian Press, 2013. 464 p.
Miles, Lawrence; Wood, Tat
Des Moines, IA: Mad Norwegian Press, 2006. 288 p.
Des Moines, IA: Mad Norwegian Books, 2006. 327 p.
Des Moines, IA: Mad Norwegian Press, 2009. 506 p. Expanded 2nd Edition.
Des Moines, IA: Mad Norwegian Press, 2004. 327 p.
Aldred, Sophie; Tucker, Mike
London: Virgin/Doctor Who Books, 1996. 124pp.
Booth, Paul; Hill, Matt; Piedmont, Joy; Roberts, Tansy R.
Lanham: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. 312 p.
Parkin, Lance; Pearson, Lars
Des Moines, IA: Mad Norwegian Press, 2007. 432 p. 3nd Edition.
Hamad, Hannah
In: Cherry, Brigid; Hills, Matt; and O’Day, Andrew, eds. Doctor Who – New Dawn: Essays on the Jodie Whittaker Era. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2021. p. 121-134.
No authors listed.
Variety p. 67. June 11, 1969.
Berry, Steve
London: Gollancz, 2013. 216 p.
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