Andrews, Erin
Ph. D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 2019. 318 p. (DAI-A 81(3)(E).)
Hurley, Meghan Marie
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2019. 269 p. (DAI-A 81(2)(E).)
Fry, Joan
Poets &Writers Magazine. 25(2): 58-69. March/April 1997. (Reprinted in: Francis, Conseula, ed. Conversations with Octavia Butler. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2010.)
Govan, Sandra Y.
Black American Literature Forum 18(2): 82-87. Summer 1984.
Martinez, Javier A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1998. 351pp. (DAI-A 59(5): 1566. Nov. 1998.)
Donaldson, Emrys
In: Richards, Leah and Ziegler, John R., eds. Representation in Steven Universe, ed. by Leah Richards and John R. Ziegler. Cham: Springer Nature, 2020. p. 153-170.
Braid, Christina
Contemporary Justice Review 9(1): 47-65. March 2006.
Armitt, Lucie
New York: St. Martin's, 2000. 257 pp.
Francis, Allison E.
In: Japtok, Martin and Jenkins, Jerry R., eds. Human Contradictions in Octavia E. Butler's Work. New York: Springer, 2020. p. 13-27.
Francis, Consuela
Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2009. 248 p.
Pasolini, Anna; Vallorani, Nicoletta
Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2020. 198 p.
Crosby, Shelby L.
In: Nanda, Aparajita; and Crosby, Shelby, eds. God is Change: Religious Practices and Ideologies in the Works of Octavia Butler. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2021. p. 220-228.
Lange, Emily
FemSpec 20(2): 26-44. 2020.
Patrick, Mary Margaret Hughes
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2017. 205 p. (DAI-A 79(3)(E).)
Whatcott, Jess
Lateral 10(1)/ Spring, 2021.
Bulleid, Joshua
In: Bulleid, Joshua. Vegetarianism and Science Fiction: A History of Utopian Animal Ethics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. p. 173-208.
Chang, Hui-chuan
Tamkang Review: A Quarterly of Literary and Cultural Studies 41(2): 3-20. 2011.
Barba-Guerrero, Paula
in: Ibarraran-Bigalondo, Amaia, ed. The New American West in Literature and the Arts: A Journey Across Boundaries. New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 84-99.
In: Ibarraran-Bigalondo, Amaia, ed. The New American West in Literature and the Arts, New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 84–99.
Alvez Rocha, Francisca Raquel Queiroz; Moraes, Suelma de Souza
Numen (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) 21(1): 192-210. 2018,
Kissinger, Zachary Scott
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2018. 244 p. (DAI-A 80(3)(E).)
Ramirez, Catherine S.
in: Flanagan, Mary, and Booth, Austin, eds. Reload: Rethinking Women + Cyberculture. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. p. 374-402.
Barber, Tiffany E.
in: Anderson, Reynaldo and Jones, Charles E., eds. Afrofuturism 2.0; The Rise of Astro-Blackness. Lanham: Lexington, 2016. p. 3-26.
Weinhouse, Linda
CEA Critic 59(1): 60-67. Fall 1996.
Mann, Justin
Ph. D. Dissertation, George Washington University, 2018. 244 p. (DAI-A 79(8)(E).)
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