Shinn, Thelma J.
in: Pryse, Marjorie and Spillers, Hortense J., eds. Conjuring: Black Women, Fiction, and Literary Tradition. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1985. pp. 203-215.
Curtis, Claire P.
Utopian Studies 19(3): 411-431. 2008.
Green, Michelle G.
in: Donawerth, Jane L. and Kolmerten, Carol A., eds. Worlds of Difference: Utopian and Science Fiction by Women. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1994. pp.166-189.
Forche, Theresa M.
In Progress: A Graduate Journal of North American Studies 1(1): 33-46. Summer 2023.
Stone, Katie
SFRA Review No. 327: 54-56. Winter 2019. (Symposium: Worlding SF)
Elliot, Jeffrey M.
In: Octavia E. Butler: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations. Brooklyn NY: Melville House Publishing, 2023. p. 3-20. Reprinted from Thrust, Summer 1978.
Morris, Kym
Popular Culture Review 22(1): 79-90. Winter 2011.
Terry, Jennifer
Women's Studies 48(1): 26-46. January/February 2019.
Friend, Beverly
Extrapolation 23(1): 50-55. Spring 1982.
Weber, Jenna
Master's Thesis, Iowa State University, 2022. 120 p. (MAI 83(12)(E).)
Thomas, Anne-Marie
Extrapolation 41(2): 143-160. Summer 2000.
LaCroix, David
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 40(1): 109-119. Spring 2007.
Jamieson, Ayana
In: Yoshinaga, Ida, Guynes, Sean and Canavan, Gerry, eds. Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022. p. 229-238.
Chwala, Gregory Luke
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2017. 222 p. (DAI-A 79(3)(E).)
Cresgy, Amber
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida State University, 2020. 220 p. (DAI-A 82(1).)
Dunning, Christy J.
Master's Thesis, San Francisco State University, 1994. v, 122 p.
Campbell, Michelle M.
Master's Thesis, Central Michigan University, 2013. vii, 115 p.
Ferrandez-Sanmiguel, Maria
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Spicer, Arwen
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, 2005. 272 p. (DAI-A 66(7): 2588. January 2006.)
Lavanya, K.; Prakash, M.
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Ph. D. Dissertation, Morgan State University, 2020. [2], v, 233 p. (DAI-A 83(1)(E))
Jenkins, Jerry R.
In: Japtok, Martin and Jenkins, Jerry R., eds. Human Contradictions in Octavia E. Butler's Work. New York: Springer, 2020. p. 121-145.
Yoo, Jihun
Modern Language Review 114(4) 662-681, 900. October 2019.
Miller, Nicholas E.
In: Hill, Melvin G., ed. Black Bodies and Transhuman Realities: Scientifically Modifying the Black Body in Posthuman Literature and Culture. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019. p. 71-100.
Nanda, Aparajita
In: Nanda, Aparajita; and Crosby, Shelby, eds. God is Change: Religious Practices and Ideologies in the Works of Octavia Butler. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2021. p. 29-44.
Found 971 items on 39 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.