Chernyshova, Tatiana
Canadian-American Soviet Studies 18(1/2):76-84. Spring/Summer 1984.
Alaniz, Jose
Slavic & East European Journal 57(2): 203-228. Summer 2013.
Adlerberg, Scott
In: Nette, Andrew and McIntyre, Iain, eds. Dangerous Visions and New Worids: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2021. p. 138-1134.
Amusin, Mark
Russian Studies in Literature 47(4): 67-83. Fall 2011.
No authors listed.
Soviet Literature No. 12(465): 36-40. 1986.
Nemtsov, V.
Current Digest of the Soviet Press 18(3): 34-36. February 9, 1966. (From Isvestia, January 19, 1966, p. 6.)
Park, Young E.
Literature/Film Quarterly 50(4): 3. Fall 2022.
Lem, Stanislaw
Science-Fiction Studies 10(3): 317-332. November 1983. Also in: Lem, Stanislaw. Microworlds. San Diego: Harcourt, 1984. p. 243-278.
Strugatsky, Boris
in: Strugatsky, Arkady and Strugatsky, Boris. Roadside Picnic. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2012. p. 195-209.
Cederlöf, Henriette
Stockholm: University of Stockholm, 2014. 156 p.
Kukulin, Ilia
Russian Studies in History 49(4): 51-92. Spring 2011.
Howell, Yvonne H.
New York: Peter Lang, 1994. 184pp. (Based on the author's Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1990. 232pp.)
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1990. 232pp. (DAI-A 52(1): 177. July 1991.)
Williams, Rhys
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Warwick, 2014. iv, 221 p.
Soviet Literature No. 426:113-123. 1983.
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2001. Munchen: Heyne, 2001. p. 460-477.
Steinmuller, Angela; Steinmuller, Karlheinz
In: Steinmuller, Karlheinz and Steinmuller, Angela. Streifzüge: Essays zu zweihundert Jahren Science Fiction. Berlin: Memoranda Verlag, 2021. p. 326-343. Reprint.
Gloss, Ivo; Neumann, Hans-Peter; Simon, Erik
Quarber Merkur No. 93/94: 67-107. 2002.
Montunnas, Stanley
Masters Thesis, San Diego State University, 1974. vi, 122 p.
in: Knickerbocker, Dale, ed. Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from around the World. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2018. p. 201-220.
Locus 20(10):28. October 1987.
Clemente del Percio, Daniel
Astrolabio Nueva Época: Revista digital del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad No. 20: 74-90. 2018.
Gannon, Charles E.
Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems. 19(1): 1-16. 1996.
Maguire, Muireann
Science Fiction Film and Television 8(2): 233-253. 2015.
Locus 13(3):1,16. March 1980.
Found 169 items on 7 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.