Moeschler, Olivier
In: Haver, Gianni and Gyger, Patrick J., eds. De Beaux Lendemains? Historie, societe et politique dans la science-fiction. Lausanne: editions Antipodes, 2002. p. 135-152.
Goorden, Bernard
Bruxelles: Recto-verso, 1984. 151 p.
Bruxelles: Recto-verso, 1985. 237 p.
Bruxelles: Recto-verso, 1986. 287 p.
Bruxelles: Recto-verso, 1987. 255 p.
No authors listed.
Variety p. 31. July 26, 1967.
Brand, Scott
In: Walowski, Pawel, ed. Der (neue) Mensch und seine Welten: Deutschsprachige fantastische Literatur und Science-Fiction. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2017. p. 233-250.
Alberico, Roberta; Maignant, Aurelien
ReS Futurae No, 18, 2021. URL : ; DOI :
Thomas, Jean-François
in: Slusser, George E., Alkon, Paul, Gaillard, Roger, and Chatelain, Daniele, eds. Transformations of Utopia: Changing Views of the Perfect Society. New York: AMS Press, 1999. pp. 89-97.
Variety, March 7, 1973: 32.
Locus 36(2): 8. February 1996.
Locus 32(4): 39. April 1994.
Locus 31(6): 40. December 1993.
Locus 28(1): 48. January 1992.
Reinhardt, George
in: Collings, Michael, ed. Reflections on the Fantastic. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986. pp.9-18.
Locus 22(6):6. June 1989.
Science Fiction Chronicle 2(10):12. July 1981.
Variety, February 14, 1973: 32.
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