Goode, Abby L.
in: Goode, Abby L. Agrotopias: An American Literary History. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2022. p. 152-181.
Leavins, Dennis
in: Tomoiaga, Ligia, Barbul, Minodora, and Demarcsek, Ramona, eds. From Francis Bacon to William Golding: Utopias and Dystopias of Today and of Yore. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. p. 141-156.
Adams, Bert N.; Sydie, R. A.
in: Lengermann, Patricia and Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill, eds. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. London and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. p. 181-190. (Reprinted fromociological Origins, 2, pp. 5-14. 2000.)
Kirkpatrick, Frank G.
in: Lengermann, Patricia and Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill, eds. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. London and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. p. 459-473. (Reprinted From Joanne B. Karpinski (ed.) Critical Essays on Charlotte Perkins Gilman, New York: G.K. Hall, 1992. p. 129-43. )
Kasper, Daniel
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, 2019. 247 p. (DAI-A 81(2).)
Terry, James L.
in: Lengermann, Patricia and Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill, eds. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. London and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. p. 99-110. (Reprinted from 'A Modest Proposal', Teaching Sociology, 10: 251-61. 1983.)
Allen, Polly W.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1988. 195pp.
Seigfried, Charlene H.
in: Lengermann, Patricia and Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill, eds. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. London and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. p. 205-216. (Reprinted from Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 15: 74-85. 2001.)
Sands, Peter
Utopian Studies 26(1): 125-142. 2015.
Golden, Catherine
New York: Feminist Press, 1992. 341pp.
Barbeito, Patricia F.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard, 1998. 276pp. (DAI-A 59: 1568.)
Cutter, Martha J.
in: Bendixen, Alfred and Nagel, James, eds. A Companion to the American Short Story. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. p. 105-117.
Hill, Mary A.
in: Gough, Val and Rudd, Jill, eds. A Very Different Story: Studies on the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 1998. p. 8-23.
Farrell, John
In: Farrell, John. The Utopian Dilemma in the Western Political Imagination. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 141-149.
Knight, Denise D.
American Literary Realism 32(2): 159-169. Winter 2000.
Edelstein, Sari
Legacy 24(1): 72-92. 2007.
Beer, Janet
in: Gough, Val and Rudd, Jill, eds. A Very Different Story: Studies on the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 1998. p. 54-67.
Degler, Carl N.
in: Lengermann, Patricia and Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill, eds. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. London and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. p. 219-238. (Reprinted from American Quarterly, 8: 21-39. 1956.)
ANQ 7(4): 223-225. October 1994.
Christensen, Andrew G.
Utopian Studies 28(1): 286-304. 2017.
Knight, Denise D.; Schornhorst, Gary
Resources for American Literary Study 23(2): 181-219. 1999.
ANQ 14(1): 26-31. Winter 2001.
Zauderer, Naomi B.
Utopian Studies 3(1): 53-69. 1992.
Sabanci, Gamze
Lewiston, KY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010. 293 p.
Siegal, Jennifer S.
CEA Critic 59(3): 44-57. Spring/Summer 1997.
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