Steele, Colin
SF Commentary No. 81: 7-11. June 2011
Wilkins, Rob
New York: Doubleday/Transworld, 2022. 434 p.
Gaiman, Neil
in: World Science Fiction Convention. Noreascon 4: 62nd World Science Fiction Convention. Program Book. Boston: Noreascon 4, 2004. p. 14-17.
in: Gaiman, Neil. The View From the Cheap Seats: Selected Non-Fiction. New York: Morrow, 2016. p. 100-105.
McCarty, Michael; McLaughlin, Mark
in: McCarty, Michael. More Giants of the Genre. Holicong, PA: Wildside Press, 2005. p. 145-152.
Pratchett, Terry
Locus 43(6): 4, 73-76. December 1999.
Howlett-West, Stephanie
Firsts 18(3): 20-29. March 2008.
Butler, Andrew M.; James, Edward
Liverpool: Science Fiction Foundation, 2000. 180 p.
Shanahan, Jim
In: Murphy, Bernice M. and Matterson, Stephen, eds. Twenty-First-Century Popular Fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. p. 31-40.
Briggs, Stephen
in: Pratchett, Terry and Briggs, Stephen. Turtle Recall: The Complete Discworld Companion - So Far. New York: Harper, 2013.
Nazzaro, Joe
Starlog 274: 53-57. May 2000.
No authors listed.
Locus 22(3):5, 60. March 1989.
Leverette, Emily L.; Noone, Kristin
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. 155 p.
Hutchings-Budd, Clair J.
Mythlore 41(2): 5-25. 2022.
Kutzer, M. Daphne
Lion and the Unicorn 22(2): 196-210. April 1998.
Kempner, Brandon
in: Michaud, Nicolas, ed. Discworld and Philosophy: Reality Is Not What It Seems. Chicago: Open Court, 2016. p. 65-76.
Ketcham, Christopher
in: Michaud, Nicolas, ed. Discworld and Philosophy: Reality Is Not What It Seems. Chicago: Open Court, 2016. p. 241-252.
Clute, John
Interzone No. 33:24-27. January/February 1990.
Neely, Erica L.
in: Held, Jacob and South, James, eds. Philosophy and Terry Pratchett. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 228-248.
Baldry, Cherith
in: Butler, Andrew M./James, Edward/Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature. Liverpool: Science Fiction Foundation, 2000. pp. 21-34.
James, Edward
in: Butler, Andrew M./James, Edward/Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature. Liverpool: Science Fiction Foundation, 2000. pp. 112-128.
Bulgozdi, Imola
BSF Journal No. 17: 19-25. 2016.
Langford, David
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 973-975.
New York : Doubleday, 2014. 128 p.
Briggs, Stephen; Pratchett, Terry
London: Gollancz, 2010. 672 p.
in: Pratchett, Terry and Briggs, Stephen. The Discworld Companion. London: Gollacz, 2001, c1994. pp. 463-477.
London: Gollancz, 1997. 477pp. Updated Edition.
Croft, Janet B.
Mythlore 27(3/4): 129-142. Spring/Summer 2009. (No. 105/106)
Pratchett, Terry; Simpson, Jacqueline
New York: Doubleday, 2008. 368 p.
New York: Random House/Anchor, 2014. 518 p.
Fornet-Ponse, Thomas
in: Petzold, Dieter, ed. Inklings: Jahrbuch fur Literature und Asthetik, BAND 22, 2004. Moers: Brendow Verlag, 2004. p. 130-154.
in: Teague, Gypsey E., ed. Presentations of the 2010 Upstate Steampunk Extravaganza and Meetup. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. p. 3-16.
in: Noone, Kristin and Leverette, Emily L., eds. Terry Pratchett’s Ethical Worlds: Essays on Identity and Narrative in Discworld and Beyond. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 110-123.
Miori, Daniel
in: Michaud, Nicolas, ed. Discworld and Philosophy: Reality Is Not What It Seems. Chicago: Open Court, 2016. p. 253-268.
Frohlich, Vanessa
in: Michaud, Nicolas, ed. Discworld and Philosophy: Reality Is Not What It Seems. Chicago: Open Court, 2016. p. 39-46.
Scholz, Thomas
Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 1(2): 141-52. 2010.
London: Gollancz, 2003. 280 p.
Buchbinder, David
in: Mallan, Kerry and Pearce, Sharyn, eds. Youth Cultures: Texts, Images, and Identities. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. p. 169-182.
Newsinger, John
Vector No. 232: 15-16. November/December 2003.
Lewis, Helen
New Statesman 141(5132): 31. November 16, 2012.
Cohen, Jack S.; Pratchett, Terry; Stewart, Ian
London: Ebury, 1999. 336pp.
London: Ebury, 2002. 368 p.
Cohen, Jack; Pratchett, Terry; Stewart, Ian
London: Ebury Press, 2005. 344 p.
London: Ebury, 2014. 352 p.
Karavitis, John V.
in: Michaud, Nicolas, ed. Discworld and Philosophy: Reality Is Not What It Seems. Chicago: Open Court, 2016. p. 187-200.
Farr, Timothy
Mythlore No. 135: 13-14. September 1995.
Mackey, Margaret
Children's Literature in Education 32(3): 167-189. September 2001.
Watson, Jamie C.
in: Michaud, Nicolas, ed. Discworld and Philosophy: Reality Is Not What It Seems. Chicago: Open Court, 2016. p. 47-61.
Watt-Evans, Lawrence
Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2008. 284 p.
Ruster, Johannes
Wetzlar : Förderkreis Phantastik, 2003. 152 p.
Found 334 items on 7 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.