Oramus, Dominika
In: Oramus, Dominika. (Eco)Anxiety in Nuclear Holocaust Fiction and Climate Fiction: Doomsday Clock Narratives. New York, NY: Routledge; 2023. p. 59-87.
Moskal, Christopher Ryan
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2021. 71 p. (MAI 83(2)(E).)
Fried, Lewis
Extrapolation 42(4): 362-373. Winter 2001.
Bisson, Terry
Locus 39(6): 33, 70-71. December 1997.
Michaud, Jon
The New Yorker. October 22, 2014. (http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/science-fiction-classic-still-smolders) Accessed 24.February.2014
Pavelich, Andrew
in: Grebowicz, Margret, ed. SciFi in the Mind's Eye : Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Chicago: Open Court, 2007. p. 185-198.
Texter, Douglas W.
Ph. D. DIssertation, University of Minnesota, 2009. 190 p. (DAI-A 70(7). January 2010.)
Hibbs, Thomas
National Review Online [6 p.] October 10, 2006.
Leigh, David J.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008. 256pp.
Dynes, Bill
SFRA Review No. 242: 3-6. October 1999.
Brians, Paul
SFRA Review No. 242: 6-19. October 1999.
Bogle, Edra C.
SFRA Review No. 242: 19-21. October 1999.
Morrissey, Thomas J.
Extrapolation 25(3): 197-213. Fall 1984.
Deignan, Tom
America 221(2): 40-44. July 22, 2019.
Hall, Hal W.
SFRA Review No. 242: 21. October 1999.
Thiess, Derek J.
Master's Thesis, University of St. Thomas, 2003. 38 p.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 17(4): 5-6. May 1996.
Locus 36(3): 9. March 1996.
Schroth, Raymond A.
America 118(3): 79. January 20, 1968.
Science Fiction Chronicle 17(3): 4. February 1996.
Pringle, David
in: Pringle, David. Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1985. pp.79-80.
Science Fiction Chronicle 4(2):28. November 1982.
Schweitzer, Darrell
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 954-956.
McNelly, Willis E.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 288-293.
Ducharme, Edward
English Journal 55(8): 1042-1044. November 1966.
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