No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 13(1):5. October 1991.
Locus 39(4): 8, 70. October 1997.
Locus 21(1):4. January 1988.
Science Fiction Chronicle 9(1):5. October 1987.
Malzberg, Barry N.
in: Malzberg, Barry N. Engines of the Night. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982. pp. 114-117.
Budrys, Algis
in: Wolfe, Gary. Science Fiction Dialogues. Chicago: Academy Chicago, 1982. pp. 58-70.
Platt, Charles
Science Fiction Review 13(1): 12-13. February 1984.
Benefiel, Candace R.; Coker, Cait
in: Aker, Laurena, ed. Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga. Chicago: Intellect Books, 2016. p. 152-161.
Larson, Randall D.
Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1995. 608pp.
Locus 13(1):3. January 1980.
Shirley, John
Thrust 16: 22-24. Fall 1980.
Science Fiction Chronicle 7(7):4. April 1986.
Publishers Weekly 228(21):41. November 22, 1985.
Freeman, W. L.
Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser No. 12: 2-4. November 1955.
Mason, Dave
Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser No. 12: 5-9. November 1955.
Shaw, Larry
Inside 11:19-20. September 1955.
Lowndes, Robert A. W.
Inside 11:17-18. September 1955.
Gold, H. L.
Inside 11:22-24. September 1955. (Reply, Moskowitz, p. 25.)
Moskowitz, Sam
Inside 11:10-15. September 1955.
Locus 31(3): 7, 83. September 1993.
Science Fiction Chronicle 23(2): 6, 10. February 2002. (No. 221)
Locus 47(1): 8. July 2001.
Locus 88(4): 7. April 2022.
Science Fiction Chronicle 12(10): 4. August 1991.
Science Fiction Chronicle 20(6): 6. August/September 1999.
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