Ramey, Anthony H.
Master's Thesis, Marshall University, 1995. vi, 73pp.
Palmer, Christopher
Science Fiction Studies 18(3): 330-342. November 1991. Also in: Mullen, R. D., ed. On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles From Science-Fiction Studies. Terre Haute, IN: SF-TH Inc., 1992. pp.265-274.
Miller, James E.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, 1997. 286pp. (DAI-A 59(1): 173. July 1998.)
Landy; Shostak
Rethinking Marxism 6(2): 25-45. Summer 1993.
Hume, Kathryn
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. The Dark Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Ninth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997. pp.173-182.
Leake, Katherine J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1993. iv, 305 p. (DAI-A 54: 2146. December 1993)
Vint, Sherryl
in: Calvin, Ritch, et al, eds. SF 101: A Guide to Teaching and Studying Science Fiction (Kindle Location 1002-1135). s.l.: Science Fiction Research Association, October 22, 2014. Kindle Edition.
Hardy, Elizabeth B.
in: Broderick, Damien; Ikin, Van, eds. Xeno Fiction: More Best of SF, ed. by Damien Broderick and Van Ikin. s.l.: Borgo Press, 2014. p. 1148-155.
Hardin, Michael
LIT 13(1): 21-50. January/March 2002.
Jorgensen, Darren
in: Bould, Mark et al. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2009. p. 279-287.
Schroeder, Randy
Master's Thesis, University of Calgary, 1992. 113 p.
Smith, Allan L.
in: Sage, Victor and Allen L. Smith, eds. Modern Gothic: A Reader. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1996. pp.6-19.
Siauclulyte, Ruta
Thesis, Vilniaus Pedagoginis Universitetas, 2005. 54 p.
Sterling, Bruce
in: Sterling, Bruce, ed. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology. New York: Arbor House, 1986. p. vii-xiv. Reprinted in: McCaffery, Larry, ed. Storming the Reality Studio. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991. pp.343-348. in: Latham, Rob, ed. Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017. p. 37-42.
Porush, David
Science Fiction Studies 18(3): 367-386. November 1991.
Yarrow, Ralph
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 1(4):19-27. 1988.
Hay, Jonathan
Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 19(1): 28-46. Spring 2019.
Bluno, Giuliana
October 41(2): 61-74. Summer 1987.
Spaulding, Asa T.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999. [5], xi, 175 p. (DAI-A 60(12): 4432. June 2000.)
Broderick, Damien
New York: Routledge, 1995. 197pp. 
EVANS STACKS PS374.S35 B76 1995
Smith, Michael W.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida State University, 1995. 252 p.
Smith, M. W.
New York: State University of New York Press, 2001. 142 p.
Eisenhauer, Karen A.
Master's Thesis, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 1995. iii, 51pp. (MAI 3495): 1761. Oct. 1996.)
Thiess, Derek J.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015. 174 p.
Murray, Brittany
French Cultural Studies, 32(1): 12-25. February 2021.
Mair, Jan
in: Sardar, Ziauddin and Cubitt, Sean, eds. Aliens R Us: The Other in Science Fiction Cinema. London: Pluto, 2002. p. 34-50.
Lyman, Stanford M.
Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2001. 428 p.
Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan, Jr.
Science Fiction Studies 18(3): 305-308. November 1991.
Hollinger, Veronica
in: Seed, David, ed. A Companion to Science Fiction. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005. p. 232-247.
Wegner, Phillip E.
In: Canavan, Gerry and Link, Eric C. eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. p. 502-518.
Racicot, Daniel
Master's Thesis, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, 2006. v, 128 p. (Master's Abstracts 44(6), December 2006.)
Kitchin, Rob; Kneale, James R.
Progress in Human Geography 25(1): 19-35. March 2001.
Yule, Jeffrey V.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1998. 156 p. (DAI-A 59(8): 2974. Feb. 1999.)
Badley, Linda
in: Helford, Elyce R., ed. Fantasy Girls: Gender in the New Universe of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000. pp. 61-90.
Janka, Markus; Slierstorfer, Muhad
In: Marciniak, Katarzyna, ed. Chasing Mythical Beasts: The Reception of Ancient Monsters in Children's and Young Adult's Culture. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020. p. 121-140.
Tucker, Jeffrey A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Princeton University, 1997. vi, 297pp. (DAI-A 58: 876.)
Benison, Jonathan
in: Pagetti, Carlo, ed. Cronache del Futuro: Atti del Convegno su Fantascienze e Immaginario Scientifico nel Romazo Inglese Contemporaneo Torino, Gaggio 1990. s.l.: Adriatica Editrice, 1992. Vol. 1, p. 19-34.
Crosthwaite, Paul James
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. 329 p. (DAI-C 70(45). 2006.)
Baudrillard, Jean
In: Byrne-Smith, Dan, ed. Science Fiction. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2020. p. 51-54. Extracts from ‘Simulacra and Science Fiction’, trans. Arthur B. Evans, Science Fiction Studies, vol. 18, no. 3 (1991) 309–313.
in: Russo, Luigi, ed. La fantascienza e la critica: Testi del Convegno internazionale di Palermo. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1980. p. 52-57.
Garcia, Patricia
New York: Routledge, 2015. 204 p.
Ondrak, Joe
Horror Studies 9 (2): 161-178. October 2018.
Brush, Heidi M.
Master's Thesis, Pennsylvannia State University, 1999. 75 p.
Moslemy, Shokoufeh; Pishkar, Kian
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research 5(2): 303-314. 2018
McCaffery, Larry
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991. 387pp.
Corderoy, Erin
Master's Thesis, Macquarie University (Australia), 2015. 87 p.
Brande, David J.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1995. 228pp. (DAI-A 56(7): 2677. January 1996.)
Wilson, David H. (Wilson, D. Harlan)
Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 2005. 204 p. (DAI-A 66(9), March 2006.)
Flanagan, Victoria
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 205 p.
Cook, David; Kroker, Arthur
in: McCaffery, Larry, ed. Storming the Reality Studio. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991. pp.229-238.
Found 288 items on 6 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.