Garcia, Frank
Cinefantastique 31(12)-32(1): 48-51. June 2000.
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Salter, David I.
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Altman, Mark A.
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No authors listed.
in: James, Edward and Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. The Parliament of Dreams: Conferring on Babylon 5. Reading, UK: Science Fiction Foundation, 1998. pp. 163-168.
Robley, Les P.
Cinefantastique 23(5): 23-26. February 1993.
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Cinefantastique 25(2): 26. April 1994.
Cinefantastique 25(2): 29. April 1994.
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Niebur, Louis
in: Donnelly, K. J. and Hayward, Philip, eds. Music in Science Fiction Television: Tuned to the Future. Independence, KY: Taylor and Francis, 2012. p. 151-162.
Killick, Jane
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Cinefantastique 25(2): 36-39. April 1994.
Savage, Lorraine
Computer Graphics World 20(12): 65-66. December 1997.
Cinefantastique 23(5): 39. February 1993.
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Shapiro, Marc
Starlog 274: 67-69. May 2000.
Nazzaro, Joe
Starlog 203: 77-79. June 1994.
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Wenskus, Otta
in: Bost-Fievet, Melanie and Provini, Sandra, eds . L'Antiquité dans l'imaginaire contemporain: fantasy, science-fiction, fantastique. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014. p. 483-496.
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Martin, Adrian
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Ney, Sharon; Sciog-Lazarov, Elaine M.
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Starlog 254: 50-53. September 1998.
Yost, Kimberly S.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. 227 p.
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