Liveley, Genevieve
in: Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J., Olabarria, Leire, and Tattersdill, Will, eds. The Ancient World in Alternative History and Counterfactual Fictions. London: Bloomsbury Publishing; 2024. p. 17–32.
No authors listed.
Locus 40(6): 8, 46-47, 49. June 1998.
Miesel, Sandra
in: Anderson, Poul. A Stone in Heaven. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 237-255.
San Bernardino, California: Borgo Press, 1978. 64 p. (Popular Writers of Today, Vol. 18)
Pournelle, Jerry
in: Bear, Greg and Dozois, Gardner, eds. Mutiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson's Worlds. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2014. p. 277-283.
Reyes, Raul S.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine 8(3): 44-47. Spring 1996. (No. 31)
Locus 47(2): 8. August 2001.
in: Bowers, Bill and Bill Mallardi. Double: Bill Symposium. Akron, OH: D:B Press, 1969.
Contemporary Authors. New Revision Series, Vol. 15. Detroit: Gale Research, 1985. pp. 26-31.
in: Beacham, Walton et al. Beacham's Popular Fiction 1991 Update. Washington, DC: Beacham, 1991. pp.23-42.
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 16-20.
in: Lesniak, James G., ed. Contemporary Authors. Detroit: Gale Research, 1991. New Revision Series, Vol. 34, pp.17-21.
Wise, Dennis W.
Studies in the Fantastic 11: 22-54. Summer 2021.
Anderson, Poul
Vector 64: 24-26. March/April 1973.
in: Anderson, Poul. Virgin Planet and Star Ways. New York: Baen Books, 2000. pp. 195-203.
Quantum No. 37: 9-10. Summer 1990.
Withers, Jeremy
Science Fiction Studies 44(3): 417-436. November 2017.
Klein, Jay K.
Analog 98(11): 43. November 1978.
Meyers, Walter E.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 242-246.
Morgan, Chris
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, Vol 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, Inc., 1983. pp. 173-177.
Riverside Quarterly 4(2):78-95. January 1970.
in: Anderson, Poul. A Stone in Heaven. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 252-255.
Bruner, Scott M.
Master's Thesis, San Diego State University, 2017. 77 p. (MAI 57(2M)(E).)
Martinez, Javier A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1998. 351pp. (DAI-A 59(5): 1566. Nov. 1998.)
Ericson, Gwen R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Saint Louis University, 2001. 157 p. (DAI 62A(5): 1828. November 2001)
Kissinger, Zachary Scott
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2018. 244 p. (DAI-A 80(3)(E).)
Prosser, Harold L.
in: Yoke, Carl B., ed. Phoenix from the Ashes. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. pp.173-176.
Anderson, Poul; Del Rey, Lester; Tenn, William; Van Vogt, A. E.
Esquire 65: 56-59. January 1966.
Wendland, Albert W.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1979. 314pp. (DAI-A 41(1): 248. July 1980.)
Poole, Robert; Scott, Clarica
Reason 5(6):4-16. October 1973.
Zenith 6:10-12. September 1964.
Caroti, Simone
Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University, 2009. 310 p. (DAI-A 70(11), May 2010)
Dickson, Gordon
SFFWA Bulletin 31(4): 15-17. Spring 1998. (No. 137) [Numbering error: e. g. 32(1), Summer 1998]
Bear, Greg
Robu, Cornel
Foundation No. 72: 93-98. Spring 1998.
Knight, Damon
in: Knight, Damon. In Search of Wonder: Essays on Modern Science Fiction. 3rd Edition, Enlarged and Extended. Chicago, IL: Advent: Publishers, 1996. p. 156-161.
Lane, Del
Oakland Tribune. February 11, 1976. in: NewsBank. Literature. 1:B7-8. 1976.
Keller, M. M.
Mythologies No. 9:13-24. June 1976.
SFWA Bulletin 20(2):18-22. Summer 1986.
Tiedemann, Mark W.
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 142: 15-17. June 2000.
Elliott, E. T.
Science Fiction Review 7(2):32-37. May 1978.
Brenner, Malcolm
Future Life 26: 26-28. May 1981.
Fratz, D. Douglas
Thrust 1(2): 14-16. April 1973.
Elliot, J. M.
Galileo 11/12:12-18. 1979.
King, T. Jackson
Expanse No. 3: 34-43. Summer 1994.
Bear, Greg and Dozois, Gardner, eds. Mutiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson's Worlds. New York: Baen, 2016. p. 1-5.
Anderson, Karen
in: Bear, Greg and Dozois, Gardner, eds. Mutiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson's Worlds. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2014. p. 93-105.
Science Fiction Chronicle 7(8):1, 4. May 1986.
New York Review of Science Fiction 26(8): 1, 10-16. April 2014. (No. 308)
Clark, J. A.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, Vol 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, Inc., 1983. pp. 1025-1028.
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