Shippey, Tom
Interzone No. 88: 12-17. October 1994.
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Erkenbrecher, Christian
Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag, 2011. 98 p.
Bloch, Robert
in: Cunningham, Jesse G., ed. Science Fiction. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. p. 54-62. (Excerpted from Imagination and Social Criticism, in his The Science Fiction Novel, 1959.)
Doctorow, Cory
Locus 59(1): 35. July 2007.
Pohl, Frederik
in: Sanz, Jose, ed. SF Symposium/FC Simposio. Rio de Janeiro: Institute do Cinema, 1969. p. 143-152.
Rorabeck, Robert
Master's Thesis, Florida State University, 2003. 104 p.
Sanders, Wesley
Master's Thesis, Arkansas State University, 2020. v, 60 p. (MAI 83(7).)
Clute, John
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Soderstrom, Mark
Jacobin 14 August 2014. Accessed 29.December.2020.
Bloch-Laine, Francois
Daedalus 94(2):419-436. Spring 1965.
Stableford, Brian M.
in: Stableford, B. M. Masters of Science Fiction. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1981. pp. 43-64.
Proietti, Salvatore; Suvin, Darko
Fictions: Studi sulla narrativita 3: 155-164. 2004.
Franklin, H. Bruce
Fictions: Studi sulla narrativita 3: 13-20. 2004.
Smith, Philip; Smith, Philip E., II
Journal of Commonwealth Literature 57(2): 291-303. June 2022.
Jones, Gwyneth
Fictions: Studi sulla narrativita 3: 69-82. 2004. Reprinted in: Jones, Gwyneth. Imagination/Space. 2009.
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