Farnell, Ross
Science Fiction Studies 27(1): 69-91. March 2000.
Tian, Miao; Zhang, Baichun
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2023. p. 353-360.
Esselbom, Hans
In: Banacker, Maren and Kreizer, Stefanie, eds. Von Mittelerde bis in die Weiten des Alls: Fantasy und Science-Fiction in Literatur und Film: Tagungsband zum Symposion 2005. Wetzlar: Phantastische Bibliothek 2006. p. 82-110.
No authors listed.
In: Martin Gomez, Jonatan, and Sullivan, Patricio, eds. Recalibrando los circuitos de la máquina: ciencia ficcióne imaginarios tecnológicos en la narrativa en español del siglo XXI: diálogo entre escritores, crÃticos y editors. s.l.: Albatros Ediciones, 2022. p. p. 51-60.
Irsigler, Ingo
In: Irsigler, Ingo and Orth, Doninik, eds. Roboter, künstlische Intelligenz und Transhumanismus in Literatur, Film und Anderen Medien. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2021. p. 107-125.
Chang, Hawk
ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 36(1): 103-107. 2023. Published Online: 09 Dec 2020 https://doi-org.srv-proxy2.library.tamu.edu/10.1080/0895769X.2020.1858743
Botelho, Teresa
Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 2: 61-78. 2017. http://messengersfromthestars.letras.ulisboa.pt/journal/
Soltan, Khaled
Master's Thesis, University of Auckland, 2019.
Jollimore, Troy
Midwest Studies In Philosophy 39(1): 120-143. September 2015.
Panka, Daniel
In: Maziarczyk, Grzegorz; Teske, Joanna Klara, eds. Explorations of Consciousness in Contemporary Fiction. Leiden : Brill, 2017. p. 11–26.
Maxwell, Alexander
Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 4: [14 p.]. 2021. https://jsfpfiles.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/046-maxwell-existential-ai-in-rick-and-morty.pdf
Frajman, Eduardo
Sci-Fi Journal No. 2:12-15. 2023,
Matthews, Graham
In: Cave, Stephen, Dihal, Kanta, and Dillon, Sarah, eds. AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press, 2020. p. 237-259.
Brown, William
in: Daigle, Christine and McDonald, Terrance H., eds. From Deleuze and Guattari to Posthumanism: Philosophies of Immanence. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic; 2022. p. 170-187.
Skweres, Artur
in: Boone, Mark J. and Neece, Kevin C., eds. Science Fiction and the Abolition of Man: Finding C.S. Lewis in Sci-Fi Film and Television. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017. p. 73-86.
Elhefnawy, Nader
New York Review of Science Fiction 29(9): 23-24. January 2018.
Pervushin, Anton
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How 
the World Sees Intelligent Machines. Oxford, UK: Oxford 
University Press, 2023. p. 109-125.
Hageman, Andrew
SFRA Newsletter 51(1): 63-69. Winter 2021. (Symposium: US in Flux)
Harkness, Rob
Focus No. 62: 20-25. Summer 2014.
Canavan, Gerry
Journal of American Studies 49(4): 685-709. November 2015.
Chi, Seung-Hack
Quarterly Review of Film & Video 40(8): 1035-1054. November/December 2023. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10509208.2022.2073163
Winter, Jerome
Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021. 222 p.
Miller, B. Diane
SFRA Review No. 207: 35-44. November/December 1993.
Faber, Liz
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2021. 226 p. Based on the author's Ph.D. Dissertation.
Nair, Beena S.; Narayanan, S. Ambadi
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8(12): 3218-3221. October 2019.
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