Echarte Alonso, Luis E.
Frontiers in Communication V8, 2023. 
Anderson Ravindran, N.
Master's Thesis, Harvard University, 2018. 281 p. (MAI 82(6)(E).)
Netcoh, Darlene M.
Master's Thesis, Rhode Island College, 1992. 122pp.
Sadler, Mark D.
in: Boone, Mark J. and Neece, Kevin C., eds. Science Fiction and the Abolition of Man: Finding C.S. Lewis in Sci-Fi Film and Television. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017. p. 121-133.
Sheng, Anfeng; Wang, Fei
Neohelicon (2022). 49: 563–577. 2022.
Campbell, Ian
Science Fiction Studies 44 (1; [#131]): 43-64. March 2017.
Adam, Alison
in: The Gendered Cyborg: A Reader, ed. by Kirkup, Gill, Janes, Linda, Woodward, Kathryn and Hovenden, Fiona. London: Routledge, 2000. pp. 276-290.
Cave, Stephen; Dihal, Kanta
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How 
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Ringer, Laurie
In: Grant, Judith and Parson, Sean, eds. Representations of Political Resistance and Emancipation in Science Fiction. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2021. p. 219-234.
Turner, Alicia Brooke
Master's Thesis, Marshall University, 2018. 90 p. (MAI 57(5)(E).)
Byrd, Jennings; Paquette, Paige
AI & Society 38(1): February 2023. 331-342.
Borghoff, Birgitta Stutz, Isabelle; Brucker-Kley, Elke; Keller, Thomas; Michot, Janick
In: Murray, J.T., Reyes, M.C. (eds) Interactive Storytelling. ICIDS 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15468. Cham: Springer, 2025. p. 15-31.
Faber, Liz
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Sat, Ayse
Master’s Thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, 2002. 105 p.
Swirski, Peter
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013. 235 p.
Mukherjee, Upamanyu Pablo
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2023. p. 237-246.
Ripley, Dore
Interdisciplinary Humanities 35(1): 54-62. Spring 2018.
Lindblom, Ken; Radice, Michael; Rivera, Alexandra
English Journal 109(6): 73-80. July 2020.
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In: Empey, Julia A. and Kilbourn, Russell J. A., eds. Feminist Posthumanism in Contemporary Science Fiction Film and Media: From Annihilation to High Life and Beyond. New York: Bloomsbury, Sept. 2023. p. 39–58.
In: Empey, Julia A. and Kilboum, Russell J. A., eds. Feminist Posthumanism in Contemporary Science Fiction Film and Media: From Annihilation to High Life and Beyond . New York: Bloomsbury, Sept. 2023. p. 37-58.
Ikegami, Takashi
In: Capek, Karel R. U. R. and the Vision of Artificial Life, ed. by Jitka Cejkova. Cambridge: MIT PRESS, 2023. p. 233-240.
Esselborn, Hans
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How 
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Found 406 items on 17 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.