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Frei, Dana; Schmeink, Lars
in: Lotscher, Christine, ed. Transitions and Dissolving Boundaries in the Fantastic. Zurich: Lit Verlag, 2014. p. 99-124.
Asma, Stephen T.
In: Weinstock, Jeffrey A., ed. The Monster Theory Reader. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020. p. 289-294.
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Kovacs, George
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in: White, Mark D., ed. Superman and Philosophy: What Would the Man of Steel Do? Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2913. p. 5-14.
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In: Bhattacharjee, Subashish and Berns, Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni, eds. Horror and Philosophy: Essays on Their Intersection in Film, Television and Literature. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2024. p. 220-236.
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Hazelgrove, Ted; James Gould
in: Donovan, Leslie A., ed. Approaches to Teaching Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Other Works. New York: Modern Languages Association, 2015. p. 219-224.
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