Neuleib, Janice
Extrapolation 19(2):108-111. May 1978.
Spinrad, Norman
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 10(13):178-191. Mid-December 1986.
Rieder, John
Science Fiction Studies 37(2): 191-209. July 2010. in: Latham, Rob, ed. Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017. p. 74-93. Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 1, p. 299-318.
Boyer, Robert H.; Zahorski, Kenneth J.
in: Tymn, Marshall B., Kenneth J. Zahorski, and Robert H. Boyer. Fantasy Literature: a Core Collection and Reference Guide. New York: Bowker, 1979. pp. 3-83.
Canavan, Gerry; Link, Eric C.
In: Canavan, Gerry and Link, Eric C. eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. p. 1-9.
Manlove, Colin N.
in: Schlobin, Roger C., ed. The Aesthetics of Fantasy Literature and Art. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1982. pp. 16-35.
Suvin, Darko
College English 34(3): 372-382. December 1972. also in: in: Rose, Mark, ed. Science Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976, p. 57-72. in: Latham, Rob, ed. Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017. p. 116-127.
Science-Fiction Studies 5(1):45-57. March 1978.
Aldiss, Brian W.
in: McNelly, W. E., ed. Science Fiction the Academic Awakening. Shreveport, LA: CEA, 1974. pp. 35-37.
Jehmlich, Reimer
In: Thomsen, Christian W. and Fischer, Jens M., eds. Phantastik in Literatur und Kunst. Darmstadt: Wischenshaftliche Buchgesellscahft, 1980. p. 11-33.
Dyck, Axel
Quarber Merkur 30(2): 61-63. December 1992. (No. 78)
Hogan, P. G., Jr.
Journal of General Education 28(1):1-15. Spring 1976. also in: Clareson, T. D. Many Futures, Many Worlds. Kent: Kent State Univ. Press, 1977. pp. 260-277.
Goimard, Jacques
Europe 79(870): 10-16. Octobre 2001.
Shippey, Tom
in: Shippey, Tom, ed. Fictional Space. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1991. pp.1-33. (Essays & Studies, V. 43, 1990.)
Atheling, William, Jr.
Foundation 13:6-12. May 1978.
Barth, Melissa E.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Purdue University, 1981. 254 p.
Fredericks, S. C.
Science-Fiction Studies 5(1):33-44. March 1978.
Gardiner, Jeff
Matrix No. 162: 3. July/August 2003
Heinlein, Robert A.
School Library Association of California Bulletin 24: 11-15. November 1952. also in: Library Journal 78(13): 1188-1191. July 1953.
Weiner, Andrew
Quantum No. 38:13-14. Winter 1991.
Kincaid, Paul
Vector 117: 10-14. December 1983.
Miller, Zea
Language and Semiotic Studies 8(3): 106-129. 2022
Wingrove, David
Vector 101: 21-29. April 1981.
Lussier, N. J.
Progressive Teacher p. 10. April/May 1971.
No authors listed.
in: Newman, James R., ed. The Harper Encyclopedia of Science. New York: Harper, 1963. pp. 1047-1048.
Nimon, Maureen
SMMART Journal No. 3:37-42. 1977.
Elder, Joseph
in: Hammel, William M. The Popular Arts in America: A Reader. New York: Harcourt, 1972. pp.412-415.
Roper, Christopher
in: Bell, Nigel and Cowper-Lewis, Meg, eds. Literature, Nature and the Land: Ethics and Aesthetics for the Environment. Ngoye: University of Zululand, 1993. p. 334-338.
Panshin, Alexei
Fantastic Stories 20(2):124-128. December 1970.
Meillassoux, Quentin
Minneapolis: Univocal, 2015. 93 p.
Wytenbroek, Jacqueline
Extrapolation 23(4): 321-332. Winter 1982.
Hill, D. W.
Unpublished paper. No date. (copy in Texas A&M University Science Fiction Research Collection.)
MacLean, Heather L.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1994. 186pp. (DAI-A 55(11): 3507. May 1995.)
Genre 6(3):251-273. September 1973. (Reprinted in: Gunn, James, ed. Speculations on Speculation. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2005. p. 59-80.)
Nicholls, Peter
Foundation 3:15-25. March 1973. Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 2, p. 139-150.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2017. 206 p.
Croghan, Antony
London: Coburgh, 1981. 47 p.
Sabella, Robert
Science Fiction Review 14(4): 24. November 1985.
Mather, Philippe
Extrapolation 38(2): 127-134. Summer 1997.
Fantastic 19(5):125-130. June 1970. also in: Clareson, T. D., ed. SF: The Other Side of Realism. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1971. pp. 326-333.
Tiedemann, Mark W.
Quantum No. 43/44: 43-38. Spring/Summer 1993.
Gernsback, Hugo
Science Fiction Times No. 350:1-5. November (2) 1960.
Leiber, Justin
Philosophical Speculations in Science Fiction and Fantasy. 2: 52-60. Summer 1981.
Hermann, Isabella
Hamburg: Junius Verlag, 2022. 192 p.
Taylor, Angus
Moebius Trip 13:14-18. May 1972.
Greenlaw, M. J.
Top of the News 39(1): 64-71. Fall 1982.
Leman, Grahame
Foundation 3:31-34. March 1973.
de Repper, J.-C.
Horizons du Fantastique No. 11: 6-12. June 1970.
Evangelisti, Valerio
Cycnos 22(1). December 2005. (La science-fiction dans l’histoire, l’histoire dans la science-fiction) (La science-fiction dans l'histoire, l'histoire dans la science-fiction)
Allen, Jeanne
in: Law, Dave A. and Park, Darin, eds. The Complete Guide to Writing Science Fiction: Volume One, First Contact. Calgary: Dragon Moon Press, 2007. p. 19-23.
Boyer, Robert H.; Zahorski, K. J.
in: Schlobin, Roger C., ed. The Aesthetics of Fantasy Literature and Art. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1982. pp. 56-81.
Extrapolation 19(1):13-15. December 1977.
Loney, Mark
Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 12(1): 3-8. 1993. (Whole No. 34)
Munson, Ronald
Extrapolation 15(1):35-41. December 1973.
Stableford, Brian
in: Stableford, Brian. Opening Minds: Essays on Fantastic Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1995. pp.9-14.
Delany, Samuel R.
Michigan Quarterly Review 20(3): 224-235. Spring 1981.
Hodgens, R. M.
Riverside Quarterly 5(3):202-205. August 1972.
Nunez Ladeveze, Luis
in: Nunez Ladeveze, Luis Utopia y realidad: la ciencia ficción en españa. Madrid: Ediciones del Centro, 1976. p. 29-68.
Tidhar, Lavie
Apex: Science Fiction and Horror. 1(6): 83-88. Summer 2006.
Russ, Joanna
Extrapolation 15(1):51-59. December 1973.
Araujo, Naiara Sales; Gomes, Livia Fernanda Diniz
Jangada 9(18): 25-41. Jul/Dez, 2021.
Science-Fiction Studies 6(1):32-45. March 1979.
King, Tappan
Locus 19(6):21, 43. June 1986.
Janes, Adrian
in: Illinois University, Graduate School of Library Science. Collecting Science Literature for General Reading. Illini Union Bookstore, 1961. pp. 171-180.
Harrison, Harry
in: McNelly, W. E., ed. Science Fiction the Academic Awakening. Shreveport, LA: CEA, 1974. pp. 37-39.
Van Belle, Douglas A.
In: Van Belle, Douglas A. Between Science and Society: Creating the Space of Science Fiction. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020. p. 197-210.
Cox, Arthur J.
Inside No. 2: 40-48. June 1963.
in: Saciuk, Olena H., ed. The Shape of the Fantastic. New York: Greenwood, 1990. pp.53-66.
Gunn, James E.
in: Gunn, James E. Inside Science Fiction: Essays on Fantastic Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1992. pp.52-59.
Levinson, Paul
Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 18(4): 319-325. 1995.
Spencer, Kathleen L.
Science-Fiction Studies 10(1): 35-50. March 1983.
Robu, Cornel
SFRA Review No. 211: 43-64. May/June 1994.
Extrapolation 36(2): 91-95. Summer 1995.
Pope, Elizabeth
Utah Libraries 13(1):25-30. Spring 1970.
Wolfe, Gary K.
in: Sawyer, Andy and Wright, Peter, eds. Teaching Science Fiction. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. p. 38-54.
Bould, Mark; Vint, Sherryl
in: Gunn, James E., Marleen S. Barr and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Reading Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. p. 43-54.
Sammons, Margaret
Mythlore 12(1): 3-7, 37. Autumn 1985.
Stupple, Alexander J.
in: McNelly, W. E., ed. Science Fiction the Academic Awakening. Shreveport, LA: CEA, 1974. pp. 24-29.
Mobley, Jane
Extrapolation 15(2):117-128. May 1974.
Brown, Fredric
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 25(4): 128. October 1963.
Anderson, Joshua A.
Los Angeles Review of Books December 24, 2015. Accessed 4 February 2016.
Phillifent, John T.
Vector 12:11-13. June 1961.
Malmgren, Carl D.
Science Fiction Studies 15(3):259-281. November 1988.
in: Gunn, James, and Candelaria, Matthew, eds. Speculations on Speculation. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2005. p. 5-12.
Keller, David H.
Science Fiction Digest 1(7): 1-2. March 1933.
In: Goimard, Jacques. Univers sans limites. [Tome 1], Critique de la science-fiction. Paris: Pocket, 2002. p. 41-47.
In: Goimard, Jacques. Univers sans limites. [Tome 1], Critique de la science-fiction. Paris: Pocket, 2002. p. 48-61.
In: Goimard, Jacques. Univers sans limites. [Tome 1], Critique de la science-fiction. Paris: Pocket, 2002. p. 62-64.
In: Goimard, Jacques. Univers sans limites. [Tome 1], Critique de la science-fiction. Paris: Pocket, 2002. p. 65-72.
Gill, R. B.
Mosaic 46(2): 71-85. June 2013.
Wiemer, Annegret J.
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 19(1/2): 171-200. March/June 1992.
Sargent, Lyman T.
Extrapolation 16(2):137-148. May 1975.
Wagar, W. Warren
Extrapolation 19(1):4-12. December 1977.
Roberts, Adam
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2006. Munchen: Heyne, 2006. p. 627-640.
Esselborn, Hans
In: Lorenz, Christian, ed. Lexikon der Science Fiction- Literatur seit 1900. Mit einem Blick auf Osteuropa, edited by Christian Lorenz. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2017. p. 27-45.
Olsen, Bob
Future Science Fiction No. 33: 89-102. Summer 1957.
College English 33(1): 46-54. October 1971. also in: Vector 62: 16-25. November/December 1972; SFWA Bulletin 7(5/6):7-16. 1972.
Gomel, Elana; Gurevitch, Danielle
In: Gomel, Elana and Gurevitch, Danielle, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. p. 3-13.
Oliver, Chad
Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser No. 6: 22-25. November 1954.
Franklin, H. Bruce
in: Gunn, James E., Marleen S. Barr and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Reading Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. p. 15-22.
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