Curtis, Claire P.
English Studies in Africa 59(2): 4-14. 2015.
Hassler-Forest, Dan A.
In: Kennedy, Liam and Shapiro, Stephen, eds. Neoliberalism and Contemporary Amaerican Literature. Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2019. p. 207-227.
Goff, David J.
Master's Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2021. 40 p. (MAI 83(5)(E).)
Smith, Tara
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Sydney, 2022.
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Foundation 38:58-63. Winter 1986/1987.
in: Wilson, Robin Scott, ed. Paragons: Twelve Master Science Fiction Writers Ply Their Craft. New York: St. Martin's, 1996. pp.164-168.
Picker, Lenny
Publishers Weekly 269(10): 71. March 7, 2022.
Norton, Eric
Library Journal 138(14): 100. September 1, 2013.
Khan, Naveeda
Anthropology and Humanism V. 47, 2022. Online November 25, 2022 Also in: The Ordinariness of Cross-Time Relations: Anthropology, Literature, and the Science Fictional (Virtual Issue: )
Knoespel, Kenneth J.
Configurations 20(1/2): 109-136. Winter-Spring 2012
Bellamy, Brent R.
Western American Literature 51(4): 409-427. Winter 2017.
Morrissey, Thomas J.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 10(4): 372-394. 2000.
Feder, Helena
Radical Philosophy 2.01: 87-98. February 2018.
Heise, Ursula K.
ASAP Journal 191): 17-33. January 2016.
Bogstad, Janice M.
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1221-1223.
McVeigh, Kevin
Vector No. 189: 3-6. September/October 1996.
Miller, Ryder W.
Mercury 27(3): 12-16. May/June 1998.
Dalgaard, Niels
In: Baron, Christian, Cronea, Christine, and Halvorson, Peter N., eds. Science Fiction, ethics and the human condition. New York: Springer, 2017. p. 181-194.
Kessel, John
in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 83-94.
Utopian Studies 27(1), 2-15. 2016.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, 2014. xii, 191 p.
Burgess, Helen J.
Science Fiction Studies 33(2): 275-290. July 2006.
No authors listed.
Locus 27(3): 6. September 1991.
Fratz, D. Douglas
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 782-784.
Mihelich-Morissette, Thomas
Master's Thesis, McGill University, 2023. [1], 89 p.
Keim, Brandon
Wired Online [3 p.] July 3, 2007. ( )
Ulin, David
Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2022: E8.
Alter, Alexandra
New York Times Sec. C, p. 1. May 13, 2022. (Published online May 11, 2022, as; A Sci-Fi Writer Returns to Earth: ‘The Real Story Is the One Facing Us’
Hay, Jonathan
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. 240 p.
Castro, Javier
Counterpunch 23(1): 28-32. 2016.
Otto, Eric
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Florida, 2006. 190 p. (DAI-A 67(6), December 2006.)
Canavan, Gerry
American Literature 93(2): 255–282. 2021.
Pierrehumbert, R. T.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86(5): 696-699. May 2005. Note: this paper is not in the issue available from most online sources. As of 2023, it is available here:
Prasad, Stuti; Raj, Aditya
Insight: International Multilingual Journal for Arts and Humanities 8(2): 1-13. October 2022.
Iannuzzi, Giulia
Online Resource: Discourses of Emancipation and the Boundaries of Freedom 
Selected Papers from the 22nd AISNA Biennial International Conference, ed. by Leonardo Buonomo and Elisabetta Vezzosi with the collaboration of Gabrielle Barfoot and Giulia Iannuzzi. ( Accessed 29.September.2015.
Canavan, Gerry; Klarr, Lisa; Vu, Ryan
Polygraph No. 22: 201-217. 2010.
Heidorn, Fritz
Quarber Merkur No. 122: 44-67. Februar 2022.
Baxter, Stephen; Benford, James; Miller, Joseph D.
New York Review of Science Fiction 28(1; [#325]): 12-16. September 2015.
Moylan, Tom
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000. 386pp.
Voermans, Paul
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 125: 1, 4-5. January 1999.
Wegner, Phillip E.
New York: Peter Lang, 2014. 308 p.
Martindale, Dayton
In These Times 42(5): 18-23. May 2018.
Streeby, Shelley
Pacific Coast Philology 49(1):25-40. 2014.
Auld, Euan; Jensen, Casper Bruun
In: Taylor, Taryne J., Lavender, Isian, III, Dillon, Grace L., and Chattopadhyay, Bodhisattva, eds. The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 469-484.
Willems, Brian
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. 223 p.
Adams, Spencer
Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 27(): 521-538. December 2018.
Open Library of the Humanities 3(2): 1-30. 2017. doi:
Klata, Michał
Prague Journal of English Studies 10(1): 109-121. July 2021.
White, William J.
Extrapolation 48(3): 578-602. Winter 2007. (Reprinted in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 204-223.)
Pujalte, Marion; Saber, Anthony
ReS Futurae, Revue d'Etudes sur la science-fiction No. 19. 2022.
Kiausch, Usch; Mamcsak, Sascha
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang Das Science Fiction Jahr No. 15, 2000. München: Heyne, 2000. p. 740-751.
Humann, Heather D.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2023. 193 p.
Yanarella, Ernest J.
Foundation No. 89: 13-26. Autumn 2003.
Pak, Chris
Science Fiction Studies 45(3): November 2018. 500-514.
In: Rabitsch, Stefan, Fuchs, Michael, Brandt, Stefan L, eds. Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 229-244.
Novel: A Forum on Fiction 49(1): 10-25. May 2016.
Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2016. 243 p.
Robson, Justina
Nova Express 4(4): 18-20. Winter/Spring 1998.
Nicholls, Stan
Starlog 191: 58-67. June 1993.
Rohn, Jennifer The Culture of Science in Fiction and Fact. [13 p.] February 4, 2007. (
Slotkin, Alan R.
American Speech 72(4): 440-443. Winter 1997. (Reprinted as "Ecological Newspeak," in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 227-230.)
Hosokawa, Emily
New York Review of Science Fiction 27(2): 19-24. October 2014. (No. 314)
Sergeant, David
Genre 52(1): 1-23. 2019.
Gaffney, Michael
Science Fiction Studies 45(3): 469-483. November 2018.
Gevers, Nick
in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 95-97.
Stratton, Susan
Extrapolation 42(4): 303-316. Winter 2001
in: Baccolini, Raffaella and Moylan, Tom, eds. Dark Horizons: Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination. New York: Routledge, 2003. p. 135-154.
Luckhurst, Roger
in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 170-180.
Chan, Edward K.
New York : Peter Lang, 2016. 226 p.
McVeigh, Kev
Vector No. 176: 5-8. December 1993/January 1994.
Kerslake, Patricia
Ph. D. Dissertation, La Trobe University, 2003. 281 p.
Interzone No. 177: 15-19. March 2002.
Frisch, Adam J.
Foundation No. 94: 31-38. Summer 2005.
Grant, John
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 1358-1360.
Burling, William J.
Utopian Studies 16(1): 75-97. Spring 2005. (Reprinted in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 157-169.)
Bailey, Cheryl A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Salve Regina University, 2018. 279 p.
Ph. D. Dissertation, Salve Regina University, 2018. 279 p. (DAI-A 79(9)(E).)
Bush, Fred
Strange Horizons [9 pp.] July 15, 2002. (Cited from the online edition:
Acker, Amelia; Carter, Daniel
Environment & Planning D: Society & Space 38(6): 1084-1100. December 2020.
Vergara, Tomas
Science Fiction Studies 50(3): 415-430. November 2023.
Clute, John
Arena Journal # 35/36: 124-140. 2011.
Cho, K. Daniel
Cultural Critique 75: 65-81. Spring 2010.
Rose, Andrew
Science Fiction Studies 43(2): 260-286. July 2016.
Bosl, Elisabeth
In: Gorden, Michael, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr 2018. Munich: Golkonda Verlags, 2018. p. 133-150.
Kabo, Raphael
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. 208 p.
Milner, Andrew
Foundation 49 (3): 19-30. 2020. (No. 137.)
Nolan, Val
Foundation No. 119: 65-76. 2014.
Utopian Studies 6(2): 1-25. 1995.
Murphy, Nathaniel
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Irvine, 2019. 294 p. (DAI-A 81(10)(E).)
Bulleid, Joshua
Ph. D. Dissertation, Monash University, 2021. Restricted access; embargoed until unknown date.
Spiegel, Simon
Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung No, 11: 73-89. 2016.
Warman, Ryan Indigo
Ph. D. Dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, 2023. 773 p. (DAI- 
A 84(11)(E).)
Maczynska, Magdalena
Journal of Modern Literature 43(2) 165-181. Winter 2020.
Woods, Derek
Ph. D. Dissertation, Rice University, 2017. 372 p. (DAI-A 83(1)(E).)
Criticism 53(1): 23-51. Winter 2011.
In: Bulleid, Joshua. Vegetarianism and Science Fiction: A History of Utopian Animal Ethics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. p. 209-243.
Infinity Plus (Online Resource) [11 p.] September 1999. (
in: Burling, William J., ed. Kim Stanley Robinson Maps the Unimaginable: Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 11-47.
Franko, Carol S.
Science Fiction Studies 21(2): 191-211. July 1994.
Cooper, Luke
Cambridge Review of International Affairs 34(2): 228-249. April 2021.
Found 302 items on 4 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.