Hundley, Victoria R.
Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2019. 73 p. (MAI 81(2)(E).)
Lytle, Kandace
in: Bealer, Tracy L., Luria, Rachel, and Yuen, Wayne, eds. Neil Gaiman and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 2912. p. 85-96.
Mellette, Justin
Studies in the Novel 47(3). 319-334. Fall 2015.
Morehouse, Lyda
Science Fiction Chronicle 20(5): 7, 40-42. May 1999.
No authors listed.
Locus 67(2): 10. August 2011.
Pendergast, John
Mythlore 26(3/4; [#101/102]): 185-198. Spring/Summer 2008.
Burdge, Anthony S.
in: Burdge, Anthony, Burke, Jessica, and Larsen, Kristine, eds. The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman. Crawfordsville, FL: Kitsune Books, 2012. p. 81-93.
Dvorak, Alicia
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2022. 71 p. (MAI 83(11)(E).)
Gaiman, Neil
Locus 51(1): 44-45. July 2003.
Gooding, Richard
Children's Literature Association Quarterly 33(4): 390-407. Winter 2008.
D'Elia, Jenifer
Studies in Fantasy Literature No. 1: 29-37. 2004.
Martin, Rachel R.
in: Prescott, Tara and Drucker, Aaron, eds. Feminism in the Worlds of Neil Gaiman: Essays on the Comics, Poetry, and Prose. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. p. 11-31.
Willems, Brian
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. 223 p.
Murphy, Kelly J.
In: Sommers, Joseph M., ed. Critical Insights: Neil Gaiman. New York: Salem Press, 2016. p. 178-194.
Brown, Paula
Extrapolation 51(2): 216-234. Summer 2010.
Wharton, David M.
Creative Screenwriting 14(4): 44-51. July/August 2007.
Vanderbeke, Dirk
In: Honegger, Thomas and Vanderbeke, Dirk, eds. From Peterborough to Faery: The Poetics and Mechanics of Secondary Worlds, Essays in Honour of Dr. Allan G. Turner's 65th Birthday. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2014. p. 141-169.
Round, Julia
in: MacPherson, Pauline, et al, eds. Sub/versions: Cultural Status, Genre and Critique. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. p. 18-33.
Slabbert, Mathilda; Viljoen, Leonie
Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies 27(3): 135-155. December 2006.
Salamon, Jeff
Austin American Statesman p. K1, K9. September 25, 2005.
Wallis, James
Fear No. 30: 29-32. June 1991.
Jankiewicz, Pat; Nazzaro, Joe
Starlog No. 359: 14-19. October 2007.
Lim, Ronald S.
Manila Bulletin [6 p.] March 19, 2010. (
Brooker, Will
in: Hills, Matt, ed. New Dimensions of Doctor Who: Adventures in Space, Time and Television, ed. by Matt Hills. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2013. p. 71-92.
Schweitzer, Darrell
New York Review of Science Fiction 18(9): 19-20. May 2006. (No. 213)
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