Kretschmer, Franziska
Achern: Wombat Verlag, Kretschmer & Kretschmer, 2020. 224 p. Based on the author's doctoral dissertation.
Alkestrand, Malin
in: Gilbert-Hickey, Meghan and Green-Barteet, Miranda A., eds. Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2021. p. 93-110.
Riving, Cecilia
In: Hoglund, Anna and Trenter, Cecilia, eds. The Enduring Fantastic: Essays on Imagination and Western Culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 49-66.
Engholm, Ahrvid
Foundation No. 72: 88-93. Spring 1998.
Levesque, Marie
In: Coker, Cait, ed. The Global Vampire: Essays on the Undead in Popular Culture Around the World. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., Inc., 2020. pp. 90-103.
Kuusela, Tommy
in: Brodman, Barbara and Doan, James E., eds. The Supernatural Revamped: From Timeworn Legends to Twenty-First Century Chic. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016. p. 83-96.
Foundation 50 (1; [#138]): 76-83. 2021.
Lundwall, Sam J.
Stockholm: Fakta & Fantasi, 1997. 255pp.
No authors listed.
Locus 40(2): 72. March 1998.
Jokilaakso, Teemu
In: Ahlback, Pia Maria, Lassen-Seger, Maria, and Teittinen, Jouni, eds. Nordic Utopias and Dystopias: From Aniara to Allatta! Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. p. 153-178.
Lefebvre, Luc
In: Ahlback, Pia Maria, Lassen-Seger, Maria, and Teittinen, Jouni, eds. Nordic Utopias and Dystopias: From Aniara to Allatta! Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. p. 35-54.
Fyhr, Mattias
Doctoral Dissertation, Stockholms universitet, 2003. 363 p.; Lund: Ellerstrom, 2003.
Linder, Mats
s.l..: Linder, 2020. 48 p. Updated edition.
s.l..: Linder, 2020. 48 p.
s.l.: Linderm, 2022. 52 p.
Holmberg, John-Henri
Stockholm: Askild & Karnekull, 1974. 186 p .
Hamrell, Harald
In: Jaspers, Kristina, Warnecke, Nils, Waz, Gerlinde and Zill, Rudiger, eds. Future Worlds Science Fiction Film. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer, 2017. p. 97-107.
Ostlund, Joachim
In: Hoglund, Anna and Trenter, Cecilia, eds. The Enduring Fantastic: Essays on Imagination and Western Culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 37-48.
Berg, Laila
In: Ahlback, Pia Maria, Lassen-Seger, Maria, and Teittinen, Jouni, eds. Nordic Utopias and Dystopias: From Aniara to Allatta! Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. p. 73-90.
Extrapolation 11(2):76-79. May 1970.
Science Fiction Chronicle 3(1):16. October 1981.
Sahlin, Johan
Master's Thesis, Linkoping University, 2005. 74 p.
Rumelili, Bahar; Towns, Ann
in: Nexon, Daniel H./Neumann, Iver B., eds. Harry Potter and International Relations. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. p. 61-77.
Pohl, Nicole
In: Ahlback, Pia Maria, Lassen-Seger, Maria, and Teittinen, Jouni, eds. Nordic Utopias and Dystopias: From Aniara to Allatta! Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. p. 17-34.
Found 105 items on 5 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.