Dorrich, Corinna
in: May, Markus, Baumann, Michael, Baumgartner, Robert, and Eder, Tobias, eds. Die Welt von “Game of Thronesâ€: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf George R.R. Martins “A Song of Ice and Fireâ€. Bielefeld:Transcript, 2016. p. 173-192.
Waddell, Andi
Master's Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2019. 44 p. (MAI 81(2)(E).)
McLarty, Lianne
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.231-252.
Harris, Kathrine
in: Roberts, Jude and MacCallum-Stewart, Esther, eds. Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Popular Fantasy: Beyond Boy Wizards and Kick-ass Chicks. New York: Routledge, 2016. p. 35-52.
Berenstein, Rhona J.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.117-142.
Helford, Elyce R.
in: Harrison, Taylor, Projansky, Sarah, Ono, Kent A., Helford, Elyce R., eds. Enterprise Zones: Critical Positions on Star Trek. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996. pp. 10-32.
Hermann, Chad
Post Script 16(3): 36-50. Summer 1997.
Roberts, Robin A.
Extrapolation 30(4):353-363. Winter 1989.
Pearson, Wendy G.
Science Fiction Studies 23(2): 199-226. July 1996.
Thibodeau, Amanda R.
Science Fiction Studies 39(2): 262-282. July 2012.
Morris, Sandy
Master's Thesis, Wake Forest University, 2000. v, 76 p.
Girard, Theresa M.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Wayne State University, 2001. vii, 158 p. (DAI-A 62(3):1003. September 2001)
Gardiner-Scott, Tanya J.
in: Morrison, Michael A., ed. Trajectories of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997. pp.47-56.
Attebery, Brian
in: Morrison, Michael A., ed. Trajectories of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997. pp.39-46.
Dickinson, Robert J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1996. 411 p. (DAI-A 57(9): 3722. March 1997.)
Smithey, Hazel McBride
Master's Thesis, Wake Forest University, 2005. iv, 67 p.
Miess, Julie
in: Anolik, Ruth B, ed. Gothic Litrerature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007. p. 233-247.
Macdonald, Kirsty
Irish Gothic Journal No. 3: 37-53. November 8, 2007.
Harvey, Jessica Georgina
Master's Thesis, Acadia University, 1993. 160pp. (Master's Abstracts 32(3): 804. June 1994.)
Feise-Mahnkopp, Patricia
Dissertation, Humboldt Universitat, 2008; Koln: Bohlau, 2011. 312 p.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. 274 p.
Call, Lewis
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 238 p.
Wood, Felicity
in: Bell, Nigel and Cowper-Lewis, Meg, eds. Literature, Nature and the Land: Ethics and Aesthetics for the Environment. Ngoye: University of Zululand, 1993. p. 345-350.
Kohagen, John Axel
Master's Thesis, University of Northern Iowa, 2002. iv, 66 p.
Casciato, Nancy A.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, 1996. 192 p. (DAI-A 57(4): 1615, October 1996)
Herington, Caitlin
Ph. D. Dissertation, Federation University (Australia), 2018. 285 p. (1 Mb)
Fischer, Lucy
Cinema Journal 31(3): 3-18. Spring 1992. Also in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.412-430.
Somogyi, Victoria
in: Reid, Robin A., ed. Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. Volume 2, p. 34-35.
Robinson, Sara L.
Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2011. 214 p.
Hendershot, Cyndy
Literature and Psychology 45(4): 74-89. 1999.
Meuther, Olaf
in: Lee, Peter W., ed. Exploring Picard's Galaxy: Essays on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 118-133.
Sobchack, Vivian C.
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.143-163.
Still, Julie M.; Wilkinson, Zara T.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. 244 p.
Wood, Robin
in: Grant, Barry K., ed. The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. pp.364-378.
Quigley, Jack
Master's Thesis, Idaho State University, 2023. 61 p. (MAI 84(11)(E).)
Higgins, David M.
in: Attebery, Brian; Hollinger, Veronica, eds. Parabolas of Science Fiction. Middledown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2013. p. 143-160.
Baxter, Megan
Some Fantastic 2(4; [#9]): 7-10. Summer 2006. (
Nelson, Craig A.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1991. 235pp. (DAI-A 52(1): 100. July 1991.)
Guard, Julie; Jones, Miriam
Rites for Lespian and Gay Liberation No. 75: 10-12. November 1991.
New York: Routledge, 2002. 210 p.
Ashcraft, Donna m.
New York: Peter Lang, 2013. 247 p.
Baird, Neil P.
Strange Horizons p. 5-20. July 2002.
Donnelly, Ashley
in: Parke, Maggie and Wilson, Natalie, eds. Theorizing Twilight: Critical Essays on What's at Stake in a Post-Vampire World. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 178-193.
Rochelle, Warren G.
Foundation No. 76: 48-63. Summer 1999.
Morawitz, Elizabeth; Pennell, Helen
Sex Roles 72(5/6): 211.220. March 2015.
Larbalestier, Justine
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 101: 13-17. January 1997.
Nischik, Reingard M.
Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2010. 315 p.
Fern, Bryana
South Atlantic Review 86(1): 128-147. Spring 2021.
Wood, Robert
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Irvine, 2013. 366 p.
Madill, Anna
in: Roberts, Jude and MacCallum-Stewart, Esther, eds. Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Popular Fantasy: Beyond Boy Wizards and Kick-ass Chicks. New York: Routledge, 2016. p. 68-84.
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